Find Profit In Your Passion

Find Profit In Your Passion

"I love when people find their passion, but I struggle with people who find their passion without profit.”
- Jared Yellin

I am not a money motivated person…


I know this article will not land for people who have adopted the belief that money is the root of all evil.

Really, money is just an amplifier…

It will amplify whether you are a good human OR you are self-centered…

It will amplify whether you want to do good OR you want to only serve yourself…

It will amplify whether you treat people with respect OR you feel better than those around you…

Money has no power other than to showcase the REAL YOU.

But here’s what I know to be true…

When you can find PROFIT in your PASSION then your PASSION becomes sustainable.


The contrary is also true…

When PROFIT does not exist in your PASSION then your PASSION has a shelf life.

I will give you a prime example…

I was in an UBER about three weeks ago and the driver and I began discussing his passion for music. He always saw himself as a rockstar and he was driving an UBER for about 10-hours a day to make ends meet. I asked him how much time he had for his passion and he said maybe 30-minutes total a week.

What A Shame…

Only 30-minutes of passion a week…

Only 30-minutes to lose track of time and place a week…

Only 30-minutes to experience his greatest joy a week…

But I hate to say this…

I believe most people fall into this category…

Most people don’t believe passion can exist…

Most people use the excuse that they don’t want to profit from their passion to keep it pure…

Most people live compromised…

Here’s what I can tell you…

I am LIVING my passion and PROFITING from it every single day…

Just because you are an artist…

Just because you are a musician…

Just because you are anything that lights your flame...

Doesn’t mean this needs to be a NIGHT TIME gig when you are already too tired to enjoy it…

NOR should it mean that you have to settle for lack of finances because you need to pick and choose...

I Spoke To A Starving Musician The Other Day Who Is Ready To Eat A Filet Mignon…

I am the Co-Founder of CILA Labs, a technology incubator that partners with people with great tech ideas. We have had over 2,000 submitted ideas in the past 7 months, 400 formal presentations, and we have said yes to 36 tech companies plus we have 10 additional internal companies for a total of 46 companies in 7 months.

WOW is right!

Well, someone presented their idea to me the other day who is a starving musician…

He LOVES his art, but his ART does include pretty significant pain because he has to do all of these odd jobs just to maintain his title of starving artist.

For some reason, he ended up watching a video I recorded called…


In this video, I talked about how inefficiencies are EVERYWHERE and anyone can step into the space of solving these challenges.

He began thinking about the inefficiencies he experiences in music and also started asking his friends if they had the same struggles.

To his amazement - EVERYONE he asked felt the exact same way as him.

This began his journey to think of his BIG IDEA, which was then presented to our team for consideration. (It’s a platform for musicians to co-create their art). 

I am not sure if we will move forward with this person or not, but this story epitomizes someone PROFITING from their PASSION!

Maybe it’s impossible for you to get found as a musician…

Maybe there is very little money to be made as an artist…

Maybe you have minimal time as a parent…

But this does not mean you can’t and shouldn’t and won’t profit.

BUT BUT BUT what it does mean is this…

FIND The Inefficiency + SOLVE IT 

There is a TON of profit to make in solving the inefficiencies that exist in your PASSION. Like a TON TON TON…

If this starving musician decides to GO FOR IT, he will be able to impact his passion and his financial life.

YES, there’s a good chance you won’t make much or any money from your music.

YES, there’s a good change you won’t get any sales of your art.


Those are the two obvious paths to monetize your PASSION.

The less obvious path is where there is limited or no noise and a clear canvas to FIND and SOLVE the inefficiencies that exist in your life and in your business.

And here’s the coolest part..

ANYTHING and EVERYTHING is possible for the person who is driven to find the inefficiency and then committed enough to SOLVE IT!

But here’s the morale of this article…

PLEASE stop lying to yourself…

PLEASE stop convincing yourself…

PLEASE stop thinking that money is the root of all evil…


Make money from your passion which might look like solving an inefficiency that impacts the millions of people who feel shackled up.

The root of all impact is PROFITABLE PASSION - I know you can do this!

Live with Intention,



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