Find The Perfect Monetization Blueprint Tailored to Your Authentic Personality
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Find The Perfect Monetization Blueprint Tailored to Your Authentic Personality

Dizzy from the bombardment of business-building “must-dos”? High ticket offers, memberships, webinars — each touted as your golden ticket. It’s an exhausting merry-go-round of advice that hardly scratches the surface of what you truly need.

Let’s cut through the noise. The ideal path to monetize your creative endeavor isn’t a one-size-fits-all. It’s deeply personal, rooted in your unique blend of skills, preferences, and personality.

First, credibility is non-negotiable. Excellence in your craft, proven results, and a portfolio of transformations are your bedrock. If you’re not there yet, consider apprenticeship under a maestro of your domain. It’s not about the starting point; it’s about where you’re headed. Here are a few scenarios you may fall under on your path to credibility.

Now, onto the crux: aligning your business with your innate strengths. This isn’t about fighting your nature; it’s about embracing it fully to minimize stress and amplify success. If this is a sticky point for you, you may enjoy my Zen Goals course, where I cover how to figure out what you want.

Type 1: “The Popular Creative”

Are you the magnetic, extroverted creative, thriving on interaction and visibility?

Read through the following points to identify which apply to you:

1/ You are an extroverted visionary.

2/ You are excellent at selling to people and persuasion. You have a leader’s presence that commands attention and respect.

3/ You love having many calls with people weekly and a busy schedule that controls your time. You are probably so busy that you have an assistant who manages all your emails and meetings.

4/ You are charismatic, charming, self-confident, attractive, and very presentable.

5/ You are naturally popular, so whenever you post on social media, you get a lot of views and followers without much effort.

5/ You invest a lot of time and money, especially money, to build an impressive personal brand.

6/ You have a budget for a team and enjoy managing them to handle many moving parts. You pay for quality output.

7/ You built a social following based on well-known companies or individuals you’ve worked for or collaborated with. You may even be known as an influencer or call yourself that.

8/ You get bored easily and love getting out of the house, meeting people, and working on an array of diverse projects.

Best Monetization Options For Type 1

The world is your oyster. Entrepreneurship or a corporate career — you will excel at whatever you do.

Your path might lead you towards high-ticket offerings, events, or content creation that leverages your charisma and network. Consider the following monetization paths:

a) High Ticket Offers

b) Events

c) Business Co-Owner as the face of the company heading up Sales/Marketing/Business Development while your partner handles operations and finances.

d) Public Speaking

e) Video Creator

Type 2: “The Trusted Expert ”

Or perhaps you’re the introspective expert, whose strength lies in depth rather than breadth. Read on to see if these points best describe you:

1/ You identify more as an introvert and an operations person.

2/ You hate selling or trying to convince people to buy anything from you.

3/ The thought of being on calls most of the week sounds terrible to you. Instead, you value your peace and time freedom.

4/ You are quiet, don’t enjoy getting all dressed or made up for work, and don’t care about try to impress everyone. You are authentic, down-to-earth, and professional.

5/ You don’t make friends with everyone and, while you are friendly, you definitely aren’t the life of the party. You tend to be loyal to a small, close-knit group vs. being surrounded by crowds of people.

5/ You don’t invest as much time or money into your own brand as you should because of your life situation or maybe because marketing is not something you excel at (or enjoy).

6/ You don’t have a budget for a team or haven’t built one because your introverted nature makes you prefer to work alone or it difficult for you to know how to manage them.

7/ Your social following is quite low, and by no means would you call yourself an influencer.

8/ You are fine working independently and enjoy the peace of a well-structured daily routine. You don’t mind repetitive tasks at all. Seeing people is good but you don’t crave it.

Best Monetization Options For Type 2

For you, consulting, writing, or podcasting can be powerful platforms for monetization, allowing you to build a business that reflects your preference for meaningful, focused engagements over the limelight.

Here are a couple of paths for you to consider on your entrepreneurial adventure:

a) Professional Services Consultant

b) Fractional Executive

c) Business Co-Owner as a CEO, COO, or CTO with your partner heads up Sales/Marketing/Business Development

d) Podcaster

e) Writer


In the end, the most lucrative path for you is the one that resonates with your core. It’s about honesty with yourself, identifying where your true talents lie, and aligning your monetization strategy with your personality. So, take a moment, reflect, and choose the route that not just promises success but fulfills you on every level. Your creative fortune awaits.

If You Want More Support

Here are some ways I could help you:

I have several on-demand business courses and live business programs for early-stage entrepreneurs. Check them out here:

If you are looking for even more support, apply to work with me here.

Are You Growing an Online Business, Interested in Monetizing Your Content, or Trying to Build Influence in Your Niche? Then I Invite You to Join Over 33,000 Subscribers Who Receive My Weekly Tips Here:

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