#031: Find Out Your Natural Team Role
Take your professional skills to the highest level by mastering People Skills with MTL and LinkedIn

#031: Find Out Your Natural Team Role


In today's "People Skills" newsletter, we're showcasing another one of our Professional Development Programme (PDP) presentations.

Although originally aimed at senior professional staff on our workshop courses, the material in these presentations is now also suitable for anyone who wants to create their own personal learning plans.

All the PDP PowerPoint presentations are free for you to download from our MTL/SlideTopics site. Simply click on any of the images in this presentation.

Today's presentation is on "Find Out Your Natural Team Role".

01. Introduction to "Team Roles"

Why is it that some groups of people perform at a phenomenal level and are always on the winner’s stand, while other groups always struggle to make it? The answer lies in how people perform their team roles.

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02. Why Your Team Role and Job Role Are Not the Same

Most people join teams in technical or specialist jobs rather than in team roles. Their effectiveness is, however, likely to be due to how well they play their team role.

Click the above image to view and download this PPT slide on ManageTrainLearn

03. Why the Most Intelligent Teams Aren't the Best

The various research into team roles suggests that there are some nine characteristics that need to be present for teams to work consistently well together.

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04. The Co-ordinator

Research has shown that all great teams need someone whose main job is to co-ordinate all the team’s activities.

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05. The Co-ordinator is Your Team's Lynchpin

If you have someone on your team who is liked by everyone, they are likely to be a Co-ordinator.

Click the above image to view and download this PPT slide on ManageTrainLearn

06. The Go-fer

The team “go-fer” is the person who happily “goes for this” and “goes for that”. He or she is perfectly happy to do all the nitty-gritty jobs that nobody else wants to do.

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07. The Go-fer is Your Team's Dynamic Doer

If you have someone on your team who regularly rushes out to answer their phone in the middle of meetings, they are likely to be a Go-fer.

Click the above image to view and download this PPT slide on ManageTrainLearn

08. The Relater

The team Relater is the team’s people person. They want everyone in the team to enjoy themselves.

Click the above image to view and download this PPT slide on ManageTrainLearn

09. The Relater is Your Team's People Person

If you have someone on your team who always brings the cake and makes the coffee at team meetings, they are likely to be a Relater.

Click the above image to view and download this PPT slide on ManageTrainLearn

10. The Maverick

The Maverick is not a natural team player but is still essential to the good health of the team.

Click the above image to view and download this PPT slide on ManageTrainLearn

11. The Maverick is Your Team's Devil's Advocate

If you have someone on your team who is not embarrassed at standing out, he or she is likely to be a Maverick.

Click the above image to view and download this PPT slide on ManageTrainLearn

12. The Observer

The Observer is the team’s eyes and ears. They see the big picture, know what’s going on, and can foresee problems before they arise.

Click the above image to view and download this PPT slide on ManageTrainLearn

13. The Observer is Your Team's Eyes and Ears

If you have someone on your team who is insatiable about knowing the latest news, they are likely to be an Observer.

Click the above image to view and download this PPT slide on ManageTrainLearn

14. The Checker

Checkers are people who like things to be done in an orderly fashion.

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15. The Checker is Your Team's Safety Expert

When teams meet to discuss work plans, it is easy to get swept away by the euphoria of new ideas. The Checker is a valuable member of the team to pour cold water on excessive ambitions.

Click the above image to view and download this PPT slide on ManageTrainLearn

16. The Moralist

Those who fill the “moral” role in teams provide the team with its rules and standards, its musts and shoulds.

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17. The Moralist is Your Team's Arbiter on What is Right

If you have someone on your team who can quote the procedures and systems chapter and verse, it is likely they are a Moralist.

Click the above image to view and download this PPT slide on ManageTrainLearn

18. The Winner

Winners are the team's stars. They have an instinct for promoting the team and themselves.

Click the above image to view and download this PPT slide on ManageTrainLearn

19. The Winner is Your Team's Star in the Limelight

Winners are natural stars of whatever team they belong to. They see the team as a means for them to do well. In studies of team roles, 27% of chief executives played the winning role.

Click the above image to view and download this PPT slide on ManageTrainLearn

20. The Leader

The Leader role is not always filled by the official team leader. The Leader is a leader by personality and nature.

Click the above image to view and download this PPT slide on ManageTrainLearn

21. The Leader is Your Team's Power Driver

The person in the leader role is not necessarily leader by appointment. However, if the official leader and the person taking on the leader role work together, there is a powerful team combination.

Click the above image to view and download this PPT slide on ManageTrainLearn

What Next?

If you have worked through each slide in this presentation, including the question slides, worksheet slides, and key points slides, you will now have a thorough knowledge of "Team Roles".

You can now apply what you have learnt in your work and day-to-day life.

With regular continuous practise, reflection, and review, this will make you fully competent and confident in the topic of "Team Roles".

Thanks for reading this edition of the "People Skills" newsletter and good luck with your ongoing learning.

Oh, and one last thing.

In the spirit of making the world a freer, happier and more enlightened place...

...please pass this newsletter on.


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Eric Garner

Managing Director

KSA Training Ltd

We are:

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Eric Garner

Author of 37 books on soft skills, founder of ManageTrainLearn and 6 e-learning websites, creator of 22,000+ e-learning resources, all free to access or download, owner of daily "People Skills" newsletter

9 个月

In today's "People Skills" newsletter, we're showcasing another one of our Professional Development Programme (PDP) presentations.? Although originally aimed at senior professional staff on our workshop courses, the material in these presentations is now also suitable for anyone who wants to create their own personal learning plans. All the PDP PowerPoint presentations are free for you to download from our MTL/SlideTopics site. Simply click on any of the images in this presentation. Today's presentation is on "Find Out Your Natural Team Role".



