Find out why 99% of secondary containment stormwater petroleum filter valves fail prematurely
Secondary containment is a cesspool of oily sheens, sediment and debris. (c) HalenHardy LLC 2019

Find out why 99% of secondary containment stormwater petroleum filter valves fail prematurely

Are you responsible for manually draining stormwater from your secondary containment structures? It’s time consuming & an expensive pain in the neck.

  • First, you must check for an oily sheen. If one exists you must treat the water before discharge.
  • Some folks use a pump and filter sock for treatment. Not fun.
  • Others rely on 3rd party vac trucks to pump, haul and treat the oily water. Expensive.

Some operators have tried to install automatic petroleum filter. It’s a good idea:

  1. They constantly filter and encapsulate oily sheen from stormwater
  2. They automatically shut off in case of an accidental spill inside containment

But there are problems, they...

..are expensive...from up to $2,500 each

..filter water very many cases they get overwhelmed if there is more than a couple inches of stormwater

..clog up prematurely with sediment and fine suspended solids from the stormwater 90% of the time

To protect expensive petroleum filter valves from debris, sediment and oily sheen we developed the effective patent-pending Spilltration pre-filter system. It offers 3 lines of defense in protecting the filter valves:

  • 1ST LINE OF DEFENSE: Spilltration Silt-Trap socks are positioned approximately 24" to 36" upstream of the outlet drain. They prevent debris, oily sheen and heavy sediment from running toward the drain.
  • 2ND LINE OF DEFENSE: Another row of Spilltration socks are arranged on top of the SheenFence fabric (about 16" to 18" upstream of the drain. They remove fine sediment and act as an anchor to hold the SheenFence in place over top the drain.
  • 3RD LINE OF DEFENSE: Spilltration SheenFence is a durable nylon microfiber engineered to capture additional oily sheen and microscopic suspended solids down to 100 microns.

The photo below shows how the Spilltration secondary containment pre-filter system works.

Spilltration pre-filter system helps extend the life of expensive petroleum filter valves by up to 400%

The Spilltration pre-filter system for secondary containment will extend the life of your petroleum filter valves by up to 400%. Plus it will drastically reduce your cleanup labor.

One of our clients is already saving over $100,000 per year by reducing petroleum filter valve change-outs from every two months to only once every eight or nine months.

To learn more - call or text Donny Beaver 814-571-9779


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