Find Out The Truth About Your Assumptions
Eva Gregory, Intuitive Business Catalyst
★ Helping Spiritual Entrepreneurs & Coaches ★ Turn Passion Into Profits ★ Attract Premium Clients ★ & Integrate Inner Guidance ★ For Business Success ★
Everyone makes assumptions. We do it all day long. We assume that launching a new program will be difficult. We assume that we won’t get the sale when we ask for it. We assume our new diet won’t work. If we’re really stuck, we assume that there’s nothing we can do to change our lives for the better.
But the truth is we all have faulty assumptions. We have lots of them.
Consider that if everything you believed were true, you’d have exactly the life you desire. If everything you believed about money were actually true, you’d have more of it than anyone else. So if your life is lacking in some way, then you believe things that aren’t true.
When we hold faulty beliefs, we make faulty assumptions. It’s a trap, because testing all of our assumptions is a great way to find the truth.
Rather than assuming a course of action is doomed to fail, put the Universe to the test to learn the truth about your assumptions. Maybe you’ll be right and maybe you’ll be wrong. But this is how to know for certain.
Try these steps to learn the truth:
1. Pick two areas of your life that could use improvement. Perhaps it’s your business and your health. It might be your love life and your finances. The areas in which you’re struggling are the areas with the most incorrect assumptions.
2. Find someone that’s doing better in your areas of interest. We all have a colleague or friend that seems to defy all logic and have a high-level of success. Maybe you have a colleague who always seems to land the sale, in spite of appearing average.
3. In your opinion, what are the “rules” being violated by that person? What do you think they’re doing incorrectly that should be stopping them from success?
4. Test. Could you be wrong? Is there a way to test your hypothesis and discover the truth? Keep in mind that a solid experiment requires more than a single test. You can’t try a new way of doing something once and come to a reasonable conclusion. It might require 20 times or a few weeks of testing it out!
5. Keep testing your beliefs and assumptions. There are numerous times each day we don’t try because we assume we’ll be told “no.” Find out if you’re actually right!
Certainly you can remember a time where you knew you would be told “no,” but you went ahead and asked anyway, and much to your surprise, everything worked out. How many other times might that happen if you simply tried?
For a month, give yourself the gift of testing out every possibility that comes to mind, without risking life and limb. There’s no reason to prove that you can’t flap your arms and fly. But ask your dream client to a consultation with you. Apply for the position you’re sure you can’t get. Put your online business idea into action.
After a month, you’re sure to find you were wrong about many things. You’ll also discover that the times you were right weren’t nearly as painful as you anticipated!
Learning how to deal effectively with the world requires stretching yourself and gaining experience. As you discover new distinctions, your perception of the world will change and your approach to life will see positive benefits.
Eva Gregory is a master coach, speaker, author and founder of Leading Edge Coaching & Training, where she helps spiritual entrepreneurs worldwide integrate Inner Guidance with proven practical business strategies for growing a list of loyal followers who become raving fans, so that they quickly and consistently attract more of their ideal clients, without compromising their Spirit and values. Join her Successful Spiritual Entrepreneur Facebook community here where you’ll receive plenty of tools, resources and training on how to grow a successful enlightened business that lights up your Soul!
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