Find Out The Great Lessons From A Single Book Bill Gates Paid $30.3 Million To Buy In 1994.

Find Out The Great Lessons From A Single Book Bill Gates Paid $30.3 Million To Buy In 1994.

Can you, in your normal senses buy a single book for $30.8 million or more? Put another way round, can you shell out your hard-earned dollars for a passion that demands thirty-something million dollars from you even, if you are stupendously rich and cash loaded? Do you call such an acts a sacrifice for pleasure or an extreme obsession and addictions.

Whatever you choose to call it, that exactly is what Bill Gates did, few decades back. Bill Gates is the second richest man on the planet, with a worth of over $100 billion, the second to Jeff Bezos,the world's richest man and the first trillionaire, according to Forbes.

Books are written or printed words on a medium, usually papers, bound together or in separate form and read for knowledge, pleasure or healing.

Reading, a receptive skill, is the best cognitive exercise for decoding the contents of such books. It is a means of development through language assimilation, exchange and sharing of information. Today, many of us, due to the competitive demands for daily living had abandoned the beautiful art of reading for less Nobel and ephemeral pursuits. If only millions of people out there knows and appreciate the timeless values of reading, they would certainly make it a priority.

If you must build your scanty vocabulary and lubricate your spoken English, please never abandon or neglect reading! The benefits derives from reading is enormous; it reduces stress and depression, it aids sleeping, however, not using the book as a pillow! If you take reading as a pastime, your level of empathy will soar, your life will be prolonged, your brain functions will be on the upscale and you will be more knowledgeable. Since the introduction of the Opera news hub, the desire to contributes quality write ups to the platform, has no doubt helped many writers to do more reading and to also gain more knowledge that they would ordinarily have neglected.

The world's best leaders and richest men are avid readers and information miners; Billionaires Warren Buffett read 5000 pages of books daily, spending and average of 5 to 6 hours; Mark Cuban, another Billionaire spent 3 hours of his day reading, to build his mind, while Bill Gates, the entrepreneur, philanthropist and cofounder of Microsoft, reads daily and about 50 books annually.

Bill Gates is not known to be a frivolous spender but a shrewd investor, while he invest with an unusual wisdom, he in the process places a very high premium on reading and a deeper love for timeless and valuable books.

Thus, in November 11,1994,he bought the Leonardo da Vinci's CODEX LEICESTER, also known as CODEX HAMMER, at the Christie's auction in New York, for $30,802,500.

For one to buy a single book for over $30 million dollars, means that the values of the contents of such book is twice the amount so invested.

The author of the book is Leornado Da Vinci,a sculptor, painter, architect, military engineer, art genius and the history most famous multi tasker. An Italian philosopher, with deep quest for knowledge and who usually carry a notebook around as he work through Milan and Florence, in Italy.

The leather-bound 72 pages (or 36 sheets),documents was written between 1506 and 1510.It contains Leonardo's observation, ideas, sketches and opinion about diverse subjects like astronomy, physics, mechanics, biology, especially, how blood flows from the heart to the entire body. It also contain botany, mathematics, architectures, most of which was later scientifically verified to be true and almost accurate.


Leonardo da Vinci's impacts in the world is felt both in the arts and sciences, vast in both and each influencing his prodigious material and academic output. He used the prism of his artistic mind to paint the best of painting in the world and to forcefully influence the way we look at the world, he also used his scientific mind to study and help us appreciate and understand the principles that wired the world and govern scientific interactions and the nature.

While this impacts is note worthy, there are great lessons to be learnt why book Bill Gates paid $30.8 million dollars to buy that single book  in 1994.


The first reason for Bill Gates's decision was that he felt and still feels a deep connection with a kindred spirit, that is manifest in a deep and insatiable curiosity and quest for knowledge, precipitated by the timeless content of the book and the ability to multi- task almost accurately to the points of prophecy!

The secret lessons for each of us is the great motivations; that within each of us lies the unusual power of observations that we must daily crystallize to solve the problems of humanity and to multitask, beyond our immediate confinement of discipline, talents, and self perceived limitations. The book provide a wide margin motivations for Bill Gates, and this no doubt reflected in his insatiable quest for knowledge, his encyclopedic intuition and knowledge to the borderline of a genius.

The second great lessons learnt from Bill Gates action was that, the globally- acknowledged philanthropist was fascinated by Vinci's renaissance way of thinking and his beautification of knowledge, his many and diverse abilities, his few failings and his insatiable hunger for every form of learning and knowledge.

It takes the renaissance ways of thought for Bill Gates to perfect the arts of critical thinking. It takes the same line of thought to birth Microsoft and the novel recycling of human waste in the 20th century, by the water system toilet in millions of household worldwide. The lessons for each one of us is the continuous need to engage in disruptive and cataclysmic thinking that will birth new innovations and unbelievable paradigm shifts in technology, arts, humanity and culture.

The third great lessons and reasons why Bill Gates bought the world most expensive books, is the fact that he shares Vinci's sense of wonder and curiosity about the world, in the most detailed form ever imagined-this forming an insatiable motivations from mentors or heroes, whether direct or steps, and further promote greater commitment to learning.

The question is, which book can you afford to pay millions of dollars on? How much money can you spent and willing to spend on your passion? The likely answers is the books that will enhance your productivity, profitability and give you a strategic edge in business and daily living. The holy religious books fitted into the mould yet none of us will want to shell millions of dollars to buy one except it is perhaps gold -plated!

While you may be curios to lay your hands on the book, Luckily, Bill Gates had make the book available for all through digitization in his further quest for digital democracy.




