Find out the 2 Biggest motivators for humans!
1?? The Avoidance of Pain
2??? The Gain of Pleasure
Which do you think is more effective?
Think about your typical employee working a typical job.
? They wake up at a time they don’t want to.
? They sit in traffic to commute to a job they don’t love.
? They work for a boss that they don’t like.
? They earn a paycheck that is less than they deserve.
? They drive back home through rush hour traffic just to repeat it all tomorrow.
So why do they do this?
Is it the gain of pleasure they get from it all?
Or are they motivated by the avoidance of pain.
Let me explain.
If they don’t go to work, they will get fired.
If they get fired, they won’t be able to pay bills.
? Mortgage/Rent
? Car Payment
? Credit Cards
? Medical Bills
? Children in School
? Food on the table
? etc.
Their #1 motivator is to avoid the pain associated with getting fired.
So they will do the things they don’t want to do, in order to avoid that pain.
Then there is another group of people in society that is not happy with that complacency.
They want more and they are willing to work for it.
These people focus on leveling up their careers, or starting side businesses to eventually exit their jobs.
And they are often more equally motivated by both the Gain of Pleasure & the Avoidance of Pain.
I like to refer to this as “The Carrot & The Stick”. ????
When there is a carrot dangled in front of a donkey, it will cause the donkey to step forward to get it, motivating the Donkey to move forward even when it doesn’t want to.
But the Donkey is also motivated by the stick, with a swift slap on the back, the Donkey will also move to avoid the pain of being “spanked” again.
Both the carrot and the stick are effective forms of motivation, but when used together, they are the ultimate source to create action.
?? Action for your CUSTOMERS.
?? Action for your AFFILIATES.
?? Action for YOURSELF.
So why am I sharing this with you today?
Because after hours and hours of studying and implementing this principle, we have built out an EPIC new automated sales system that uses both the carrot and the stick to create higher conversion rates.
This system is launching in a few days and we will start by promoting the CBD Industry.
We have a solution in place where YOU can be an affiliate and drive traffic to generate leads, and our team will do the work to close those leads for you and help you earn commissions.
This is PERFECT for newbies who struggle with learning all the different marketing strategies it takes to be successful, because it allows them to focus on just one thing: TRAFFIC!
And it’s PERFECT for advanced marketers because they already know how to drive massive traffic and now there is a way to see an immediate return on their skills.
The CBD Industry is exploding right now and our system is going to change the game.
If you are interested in checking it out for FREE, then send me a direct message and I’ll get you a link to set up a position and teach you how to plug in as an affiliate and make money with us.
Seriously, all you need to do is send me a direct message that says “Send me the CBD link to join FREE” and my team will get you plugged in.
When this system launches in a few days you are going to see a massive wave of people promoting it.
You have the chance to get in with us before everyone else, but you need to act quick.
Send me a DM and let’s go from there or visit my site RealLifeChoice
And COMMENT below with your thoughts on my post about the 2 main forms of motivation!
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