Find the Learner-Winner Within
“You are what you think about all day long.”
~ Dr. Robert Schuller
Be careful about judging yourself when you fail.
Failure is part of the learning process.
It’s a positive thing.
Seek learning.
Fail faster.
Learn faster.
When you’re a learner you’re a winner.
To strengthen your learner-winner muscle, do this Action Step today.
Action Step:
- To find the learner-winner within:
- Notice what you say to yourself when you fail?
- If it’s a statement, such as, “I always do this.” Or, “I suck at this.” Or something worse.” STOP IT.
- Do this instead. Say, in a light-hearted way, “Look what happened.”
- Ask, “How can I fix it?”
- Decide on a strategy.
- Do it again.
- How does it feel?
For over 30 years, Jack has worked with a wide range of businesses to improve their sales performance including a role as a Personal Performance Coach at Hewlett-Packard. Industries include Financial Advisors, Insurance Agents, Coaches, and Service Providers to generate millions of dollars in new revenue.
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