Find Joy IN The Process, Not Results

Find Joy IN The Process, Not Results

Mr. McConaughey, and many, many, others have said it time and time again: When you fall in love with the process, you will posses the success you desire.

Matt speaks of it often - he tried and tried, working HARD to 'get the gold', or attain credit and public acclaim for his work. Famously, on set of Dazed and Confused he not only acted great, but he also lost his Dad during that movie's production.

That was also the source of his famous quote: "Keep On Living". And that was when he started integrating 'joy'. He fell in love with doing his BEST, now. Not thinking about doing his best for the glory, or money, or whatever. But putting his most into living, NOW.

The ability to become truly present and execute is something we ALL strive for. Yes, YOU TOO!

Contemplate it a moment...

When was the last time you CRUSHED IT, at something? Did you ENJOY that moment?

Maybe it was a pickup game of basketball, maybe it was during the birth of a child? Maybe it was a skiing vacation, that one run you still vividly remember to this day!?

Maybe you're a barista? Maybe it was that one time, when you pulled that ONE amazing cup of coffee?

THAT level of focus and attention, in the moment, causes things to happen - what? Can you recall what was happening when you were that zoned in? How did it FEEL?

Next question - do you experience that enough in your life?

Do you want to experience it more?

Your ability to focus your mind is the path.

Either way you want to go - you may prefer to find more joy in what you do everyday now, or if you may be looking to change what you do.

Your ability to focus your mind, thereby your energy, on your desired outcome is the only thing you have.

Recently I spoke with a new client and he shared that he's had success after success in his life - by chance! Clearly describing how he just happened into all these great opportunities, seemingly presented to him by outside circumstances.

Of course, upon reviewing the details of each random circumstance, we pulled back the veil and exposed how each situation was really the next step he was focused upon - up to and including being on that call with me!

Another example? When I was 20 years old I started an adventure that led me to a reactor plant control panel!

Unlike all my other classmates, I didn't go straight to sea after training. Instead, they picked ME to stay behind and help other students on that journey! yep - the US Navy taught me how to most effectively train people to FOCUS through incredible challenges and distractions!

Sitting, for 6 hours at a time, staring at that panel - FOCUSED, anticipating what each needle would do, when each light would or wouldn't blink, all based on thousands of factors filling my head at once - and if I saw something go outside the expected - IMMEDIATE actions were required.

That level of focus was my first foray into trained and conditioned management of the state of flow. Did I know that at the time? HECK NO!

Today, however, I can see that I've spent my life helping people enter and exit that level of focus, safely.

What does that have to do with 'joy'??? Don't forget - YOU focused, YOU performing, YOU 'crushing it', is YOU IN FLOW!

Do you want more of that in your life? Stay tuned! About 3 times a year I invite a select group of individuals to train in this process. This is not an 'online class' - it's WAY to personal of a journey. I can't tell you all the gory details here and now, but I can give you TWO enabling, powerful, and life changing links!

  1. The Enabling habits: Learn, develop, and GROW these habits: (free resources)
  2. Another free resource - - In just 5 days you will have learned and can integrate several high leverage practices that will enable you to enter flow more often!

***WARNING - serious warning: PLEASE do not ignore the warnings in the free training!!!!***

Your conscious, intentional, and safe management of your states is 'the secret' path to true mastery you desire.

My approach is very technical and detailed and customized for you. How can you be invited to this exclusive Flow Training? There is a class starting soon, the ONLY way to find that website is to be invited to it. And that only provides you an application. (send a message, leave a comment, get in touch if you think you're ready!)

I hope these free tools serve you: - Enabling 3 required habits - 5 days to superhuman focus and productivity (Free videos delivered to your inbox)


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