Find the Best Job *For You*

Find the Best Job *For You*

To get the best job for you, first you need to know yourself. A job that is perfect for someone else may not be perfect for you. In fact, you can even hate a job that makes another person happy. Why? Because we are all different, and we all have different needs. So, to get a job that makes you happy, start by discovering yourself, what you really like and need. Here are 5 questions to help you get started:

What are your priorities?

Your job needs to fit the life you want, and not the other way round. Your life shouldn’t fit your work. So, what kind of life do you want? What’s important to you??

Think about the material things: Where would you like to live? What would you like your house to be like? What car would you like to have? Think about the income you would need to make those things possible. What job would allow you to afford what you want?

Think about your family: apart from being able to provide for them, consider your family time. Would you like to have free time to enjoy with your family? Do you want to have weekends off? Would you like to have flexibility to attend parents’ meetings at school, and to work from home to stay with your children if they get sick? Would you like to have the chance to work completely from home? So, what job would allow you to do all that?

Think about the job itself: what level of stress are you willing to endure? Do you want to have lots of responsibilities, or do you prefer not to be in charge of making tough decisions? Do you want to have the chance to grow in your job, or are you comfortable staying in the same role for a long time? Do you want to be part of a team, or do you prefer to work independently? Do you want to be creative at work, or do you prefer repetitive tasks? So, what job ticks all the boxes?

What gives you energy and what drains you??

Think about the tasks you do at work, at home, and in your life in general. Which of them make you feel good, motivated, and engaged? Which ones give you energy? Those are your energisers. Now, think of those tasks that you dread doing, make you feel tired and drain your energy. Those are your drainers. Both your energisers and drainers act as a compass that shows you where you should be going: a job where you’ll find more energisers than drainers.? So, for example, if you don’t like the idea of spending your day in meetings and calls talking to other people, then avoid a job that requires you to do so.?

Do you love what you are good at?

You may have heard the phrase “Do what you love”. But have you considered things from a different perspective? Maybe you think you love something because you are good at it and it pays well. But deep inside, it’s not your passion. If that’s the case, think: are you going to be happy long term? Probably not. You’ll lose interest and end up feeling unfulfilled. You need to be passionate about what you do.? If you are not passionate, chances are you will get tired and frustrated soon. If what you are doing isn’t something you enjoy, start doing something to change it. And don’t worry about not being good at what you love doing. If you really love it, you will get better and better with time. As Aristotle said, “Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work.”

What motivates you?

What makes you get up in the morning? What impact do you want to make in the world?

Please, don’t say money. I know people who earn 200k a year in salary, and still aren’t happy with their jobs. Money isn’t everything.?

If you find it complicated to discover what motivates you, think about the golden circle, an idea developed by Simon Sinek. Basically, he suggests you ask yourself three questions:?

  • What do you do?
  • How do you do it?
  • Why do you do it?

Dig deeper on the why. When you get an answer, keep on asking why, until you get to the core of your motivation.?

When are you most uncomfortable? And most comfortable?

Your daily routine depends on the work you do. So what do you prefer?

Working more independently:

  • Putting on your headphones and listening to your favorite music while working alone
  • Spending all day? in front of the computer trying to solve a problem
  • Doing a lot of research on Google and Stack Overflow?
  • Trying different tools and possible solutions until you find what works and implement your solution, which helps thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of people

Having more interaction with others:

  • Having many exchanges of ideas with different people in the company, from different areas
  • Having meetings to define the technology, architecture and solutions that will then be implemented by others
  • Talking to people in the business team to understand what the most important functionalities are, how that application relates to others, and even how to upgrade a legacy system with the new system

So, remember: to get the right job for you, first you need to know yourself well. To do so, you need to have these things clear:

  • your priorities
  • what energizes and drains you
  • what you love doing
  • what motivates you
  • what makes you feel comfortable and uncomfortable
  • what you want your routine to look like

Only then you’ll know what to look for:? the job that fits the life you want to have.?

Once your ideas are clear, you can have a look at the jobs we have available on


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