Fincantieri in the United States
Fincantieri’s maritime expertise is centuries old, but in the past two decades our Group has expanded far beyond Europe and its Mediterranean neighbors. Our strong global presence in cruise, commercial and naval sectors was key in creating new opportunities in the United States of America.
Today in Northeastern Wisconsin, Fincantieri employees are contributing to this maritime legacy by working with the US Navy to design and build their newest vessels, Constellation-class frigates.? The namesake frigate is going through the detail design and construction phase, as we just laid the keel of future USS Constellation (FFG 62). Given this, it seems a great time to revisit Fincantieri's origin story in the United States.
In late 2008, Fincantieri was determined to establish a presence in the U.S. The first step was to solidify a partnership on a government program to show our expertise, and the occasion was provided by a new naval shipbuilding program called the Littoral Combat Ship (LCS). Fincantieri created a partnership with Lockheed Martin, who needed a shipbuilder, and acquired the Manitowoc Marine Group (MMG). Through the U.S. subsidiary Fincantieri Marine Group (FMG) we established a series of shipyards capable of functioning as stand-alone shipyards or collectively as a system of yards. This allowed our company to take advantage of available expertise and resources from all three of its Wisconsin shipyards, namely Fincantieri Marinette Marine (FMM), Fincantieri Bay Shipbuilding (FBS), and Fincantieri ACE Marine (FAM). Modular construction, executed concurrently at the various shipyards was seen as a competitive advantage for Fincantieri’s work in the U.S.?
In order to fulfill the goal of being a major player in the U.S. market, Fincantieri would have to prove themselves as a reliable and competent shipbuilder before competing for a prime contract.? We achieved this by being Lockheed Martin’s subcontracted shipbuilder of record for Freedom-class LCS. With a decade of strong performance, Fincantieri proved to the Navy that they can build world class ships.
Following the acquisition, Fincantieri made a strong commitment to the modernization of the shipyards for better efficiency and productivity, changes that would positively impact their government and commercial customers, as well as shipyard employees and the local communities.
In 2016 the U.S. Navy announced its plan to maintain a Navy of 355 ships, including the procurement of 20 frigates initially.? Frigates are considered by many navalists to be a more financially feasible option to create Destroyer-like capabilities, at half the cost.? Frigates play an integral role in supporting the modern naval fleet. Historically, frigates served as multipurpose vessels, allowing for partnership and engagement with maritime allies, performing escort duties of important capital ships and task forces, and when needed, to demonstrate capable combat power to prevent conflict or to fight and achieve strategic naval objectives.
The following year, the Navy issued a request for information outlining considerations for those in industry to provide options for a future guided-missile frigate and this set the stage for the FFG (X) program. This was the chance to prove that our capabilities and commitment were aligned with the Navy’s requirements.
In January 2018, multiple industry contenders for the FFG(X) attended the Surface Navy Association National Symposium, an industry event for civilians, contractors and government and military officials. Fincantieri Marine Group’s exhibit included an Italian Navy FREMM (European multipurpose frigate) ship model along with key specifications about the vessel, foreshadowing FMG’s plan to use the Italian FREMM in a concept variation proposal for the future Constellation-class design. The following month, the Navy announced that five industry contenders, of which FMM was one, would compete for the design for FFG(X). FMM, in partnership with Gibbs & Cox, adapted a design that started with the FREMM and then was modified with specific U.S. Navy specifications and combat systems.
An operationally-proven design in service with four other countries, the FREMM is considered one of the best in the world. Its versatility and capabilities in anti-air warfare (AAW), anti-submarine warfare (ASW), anti-surface warfare (ASuW), as well as its prioritization of habitability, safety and crew comfort, made the parent design interesting to the Navy.
Our team made several modifications, like removing the bow-mounted sonar system and increasing the length and width of the hull to accommodate U.S. Navy weapons and systems. Fincantieri Marinette Marine was awarded the initial frigate contract for the detail design and construction of up to 10 frigates, the lead ship and nine additional options, and for the first time since arriving in the US in 2008, the team would take the lead as a prime contractor on a U.S. Navy contract.
Four years later, FMM has managed to reach multiple program milestones, and we continue to invest in the local communities where their employees live and work. Fincantieri invested more than $350 million in facility improvements since the award of the frigate contract.? Among the improvements include new climate-controlled buildings, massive panel lines complete with robotic welding stations, and one of the largest shiplifts in North America. Investments like the shiplift will greatly improve efficiency, as it allows the shipbuilders to finish outfitting and testing inside of the climate-controlled facilities before the ship is launched. Compared to the traditional side-launch process, using the shiplift to launch the ship is safer and less stressful on the vessel. Fincantieri has also invested in training programs for employees in an effort to build and maintain a healthy workforce. Combating industry wide workforce shortages, both FMM and FBS offer training programs at the Northeast Wisconsin Technical College (NWTC), where employees can train and be certified on a variety of valuable competencies, like welding and pipefitting.
From autonomous welding robots designed to increase efficiency and to ensure quality, to digital twin technology for optimized engineering solutions and analysis, Fincantieri has created some of the of the most innovative and forward-thinking landscapes for shipbuilding in the U.S. Since the initial contract announcement in 2020, the Navy has optioned four additional frigates to FMM, in addition to the lead ship. The future USS Constellation (FFG 62) is under construction in Wisconsin now.? Recently the U.S. Navy announced that they expect the delivery of the lead ship to be delayed up to 36 months due to challenges recruiting and retaining the appropriate workforce and a yet-to-be completed design approved by the Navy. These challenges are being addressed with detailed action plans by Fincantieri with the support from the American government, the state of Wisconsin and the Navy.
The story of Fincantieri’s global expansion and introduction into the U.S. market is far from complete, as our shipbuilders continue to learn, improve, and ultimately deliver a world-class line of frigates. No other U.S. shipbuilder has centuries of designing and innovating in the commercial sector, where time is measured in millions of dollars, and innovation is expected.
Marco Galbiati, CEO Fincantieri Marine Group
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