The Financial Technologies Game...
Meir Amarin
Managing Director at GlobalStart | AI & Innovation Expert | Strategic Advisor | Growth Mentor | Data Scientist | LinkedIn Influencer
Like any popular mobile game, it all started with mobile applications. Fintech mobile platforms become popular alternatives to traditional banks and insurance companies/services. It actually sees and understands the customer. It is much more than “Know Your Customerâ€.
Loans can be predicted, suggested and offered even if it was not asked for… The methodology and the enabling processes are relevantly simple. Since transactions are managed by digital platforms, it generates a huge amount of financial data. It then turns into actionable information. It means that it can be analyzed not only for smart risk management but also for predicted financial services.
Regulation may be slightly behind the advanced phase of Fintech. Yet, in many countries, the relevant authorities are actively taking a positive part in promoting this revolution.
Thinking about, it would be relevantly easy for a popular gaming application to become a financial service provider… it is all about the data platform!