Financial Planning Weekly - Planning for EOFY – Super
Planning for EOFY – Super
With the financial year drawing near, now is an opportune time to begin organising your affairs. In the next two weeks, we'll explore a few things to consider in the lead up to 30 June.
Pension requirements – Are you on track to meet the minimum?
Contributions - Have you utilised all your available amounts?
Concessional Contribution Caps (CC)
Non-Concessional Contribution Caps (NCC)
Bring forward rule
Government co-contribution
Spouse contribution splitting
COVID-19 re-contributions
ASIC fees
The current fee for special purpose SMSF trustee companies is $63. You must pay the total amount on the invoice by the due date. Your invoice will have a few different payment options, including credit card and BPAY. You also have the option to pay this fee 10 years in advance at a discounted rate, with the fee being $436, equating to $43.60 per year. You can access the remittance form here.
Please contact us on 03 9268 1118 or [email protected] to discuss our services further.
Alex, Anu and the team.
This report has been prepared by Alex Henderson & Anu Souvannavong
Shaw and Partners, Morrissey Wealth Management
Level 36, 120 Collins Street
Melbourne VIC 3000
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