Financial Freedom for Young Adults

Financial Freedom for Young Adults


?????????????Being a young adult, especially nowadays, is not an easy thing to do. There’s a lot going on in the world, everything is becoming more expensive, and the job market is tough. However, with strategic planning and smart money management, young adults can take control of their finances and work towards financial freedom as soon as possible. In this article, we’ll discuss different goals that you can develop and the places in which you can invest your resources to set yourself up for the future. Please note, that this article should not be construed as financial advice and is solely for informational purposes. If you have questions about any financial decisions, please contact a CFA, CFP, or other financial professional.

Investing Your Money

????????????? Being smart with where you put your money is a big determinant in how your future will look. One of the most important things to remember is to live below your means. This does not mean that you must go bare bones for as long as possible, as you still should be able to enjoy your life. However, you should be avoiding making extravagant purchases of things that you don’t need. Going out for meals is a fun treat but doing it all the time can be one of the biggest drains on your bank account. The same principle fits in when it comes to making purchases. If you’re considering buying something that caught your eye, whether that’s a new device or flashy piece of clothing, sit on the idea for a day or two before making the move. Doing so can help you better decide whether you really wanted that item, or if it was just shiny object syndrome.

????????????? It’s also important to pay yourself regularly whenever you get a paycheck. I don’t mean literally pay yourself, but remember to put away a certain percentage of your income into savings that will never be touched. This is even better if you’re able to put that money in a safe place where it can earn yield, like CDs, money markets, or high yield saving/checking accounts (4-5% APY). Building up your savings is a great way to set yourself up for a successful financial future. If you do this and consistently, paying yourself 5-10% of your paycheck for years, you’ll progressively build yourself an emergency fund that will keep you stable no matter what life throws at you, or you may even have enough for something big, like a down payment on a house!

????????????? Finally, as a young adult, you’ll naturally have more risk tolerance than someone who is closer to retirement. When you’re young it’s typically a great time to start investing in the stock market. Unless you’re a financial professional, you won’t be a professional stock picker, and investing in individual stocks is very difficult and high-risk. If you’re unfamiliar with investing, start with investing a little bit into index funds, which are a collection of different stocks. These indices are diversified, meaning you get exposure to the upside of the stock market without having to worry about one stock plummeting. Remember to invest bit by bit, choosing an amount to invest at regular intervals. Don’t worry about small dips in the short term or trying to time a bottom. As the saying goes, “time in the market is better than timing the market”. This means that those who try and time buying bottoms and selling tops, on average, loses money compared to those who buy and hold for a long period of time, typically years or decades. If you have questions on what funds to pick or how much to invest, please contact a financial advisor or other financial professional.

Investing Your Time

????????????? Your time is one of the most valuable possessions that you have. It cannot be purchased, and everyone only has so much time on this planet. When looking at where to invest your time, the best place to do so is by investing in yourself. Take the time to learn new skills and explore your interests. Make it a focus to improve yourself as a person, whether it’s hard or soft skills. This pays massive dividends in the future, especially when it comes to your employment prospects. If you continue to develop your skills, you make yourself more attractive to employers, and this allows you to increase your income over time, which is a huge tool for financial success.

????????????? Your time is priceless. Putting in work to move yourself towards financial freedom is important, but enjoying your life is equally as important. Make sure that you aren’t depriving yourself of time that is dedicated towards enjoying life. Spend time with your family and friends, pick up hobbies that you are passionate about, take some time to relax, and travel if possible. New experiences and leisure time are essential parts to enjoying a fulfilling, happy life. While everyone is trying to attain some sort of financial freedom, don’t let work get in the way of life all the time – we’re all humans at the end of the day.

Investing Your Energy

????????????? Living a successful life also involves your energy and where you put it. One of the best ways to boost productivity and quality of life is by investing your energy in your health. Remain active, whether that’s going for runs, walks, going to the gym, playing a sport, or whatever you may enjoy, and eat healthy. Remaining active is one of the best ways to stay healthy in the long run – it boosts your serotonin, improves the effectiveness of your immune system, and it keeps your body resilient to aging. Without health, you don’t have much. Not to mention, neglecting your health while you’re young can make for some seriously expensive healthcare in the future, which can be a huge drain.

????????????? Finally, invest your energy in building your network of friends, both casual and professional. If you’re interested in hobbies, go out there and meet other likeminded individuals. You may meet some new friends with which you can experience that hobby. Friends can also keep you grounded and offer support when times get tough. Additionally, attend professional networking events or keep up with people around your office, especially if you enjoy your role and aspire towards similar positions. Have chats over lunch, follow up, and stay in contact if you enjoy their company. Who knows – in the future, one of your friends or someone they know might be looking for someone just like you, and you’ll be at the top of their mind! The same happens on the flipside – you may be able to help someone out, and they’ll remember that. Building your personal and professional brand while maintaining a diverse network is a huge asset that can provide massive benefits in your personal or professional life.


????????????? As a young adult, you have your entire life ahead of you to build yourself up towards financial independence and achieve your goals. Your youth is the perfect time to build a solid foundation on which your life will form. It’s important to be smart with your money in terms of living below your means and regularly putting your money away into places where it will be saved and grow. This will help you build good financial habits. Make sure to strive to improve, but also enjoy your life with your friends, families, and hobbies. Finally, it’s a great idea to put your energy into your health for later in life, as well as into your network for your professional development. What you prioritize in your life may differ from person to person, but make sure you work towards your goals in building good habits while not forgetting to enjoy life.

Amazing project you're working on! Steve Jobs once said, Stay hungry, stay foolish - perfectly aligning with the innovative spirit you're showcasing here. Keep pushing the boundaries! ??????



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