Financial Foundation
Jerry Chen
I help Individuals To Learn The Skills That School Failed To Teach You So You Can Become Financially Abundant And Finally Claim Your Time Back With The Ones You Love.
Like building a house, you should start with a solid financial foundation and build it from the ground up.?
3.Emergency Fund
2.Debt Management
First, you should have proper protection in the event of disability, health problems or premature death.
Second, you should reduce your liability and get out of debt.
Third, you should set aside at least 3 to 6 months of your income to deal with sudden changes at your job or business or to pay for unforeseen accidents or repairs.
Fourth, you should save and invest for the long run.
All these tasks should be done as soon as possible.? As a priority, you should consider protection first.? Why? If you try to save a few hundred dollars a month but have no insurance, when you get sick, disabled, or die suddenly, this savings won’t last very long.? Likewise, if you have an emergency, but your money is tied up in some investment, how would you deal with sudden unexpected expenses?? You may have to get into more debt.
A strong foundation will build a sturdier, more enduring financial house.? Otherwise, it won’t remain standing when the storms of life strike.? Thus, the 4 financial foundation layers will build solid ground for your financial future.?
*Please contact me or message me to receive a FREE book that will explain finance as how a friend would talk to another friend.?
Remember: There is nobody more interested in your financial future than you are, definitely not the government or your employer.? It’s your responsibility to learn the simple rules of how money works.? Understanding how money works is part of taking care of your family.?