Financial Education through Real Estate Investing: Recession & Cashflow Management (Part 2)
Trust Your Talent Academy
We provide the education that empowers everyone to gain the confidence to achieve their goals through investing.
Have you ever felt financially desperate or hopeless, or both?
Don’t get me wrong. I did not come from most people’s class definition of a poor family. In fact, at one point in my life (between the age of 5–11), I had great creature comforts and then some. Dad’s government job was stable and Mom’s manufacturing business was growing. If you’re looking for a rags to riches story, I probably don’t fit that box. However, I do describe my upbringing as hopelessly middle class (if not lower middle-class).
There is absolutely no disrespect to my parents. I know they did their best given the upbringing they had. However, I also know that I wanted to break that mold. I had to — if I wanted something different. Something more. After all, my Mom’s the one that always said: the next generation should do better.
Many have asked me how I learned everything I’ve learned over the years, I usually paint them this picture:
Instead of feeling hopeful like I was potentially going to get my money back, I walked away from it feeling shook and completely numbed.
The reality slowly woke me as I auto-piloted myself home after that brief and emotionally disturbing meeting. Here I am —
All the labels that should’ve been considered as success markers meant nothing. Because, the truth was this —
Those are towel-covered moving boxes.
That made me doubt everything I believed in — is working hard alone enough? Is having a high income job enough? Is having a corporate ladder to climb enough?
That made me question my choice to move away from my friends — my support network. Was the sacrifice worth it?
And, something happened.
Weeks later, on my drive to work one day, I heard about a financial education seminar. I perked up. Turning the volume a bit louder, I heard that it was about real estate investing. I was hooked.
That was January 2010.
As of today, I’ve been broke twice, literally. And those experiences are the fuel for these articles.
Of course, there are more layers as to why I continue to build cashflow and wealth through real estate (and yes, there are days that I get tired of the idea of the process of buying another property). However, it’s now time to share some lessons first. Lessons from both times when I was ‘broke’.
For starters, recognizing that our behaviour during a personal financial recession is usually the same behaviour we exhibit during an external financial recession.
Lessons from the 1st Negative Net Worth
Lessons from the 2nd Negative Net Worth
The lessons got bigger.
Surprisingly, I also find these lessons very applicable and relevant to what most investors are going through these days — new and seasoned.
I have been speaking with many “investors” over the last couple of months who are looking for guidance and support. If there’s anything we can do to help, my team will be happy to support in any way they can.
To my dedicated readers, I thank you for your support and feedback. If this is the first time you’re reading one of my publications, I hope you’ve enjoyed it and learned a thing or two.
If you’re wanting to be a part of a community of real estate investors from around the globe, here is the T.A.L.E.N.T.ed Investors Facebook Group. It’s a place where people come together to share experiences, knowledge, successes and challenges, and money making opportunities!
For those of you who prefer watching videos, here is the YouTube channel where some of my work (very raw) has been shared.
If you prefer the live interaction and delivery to help you build some foundation, go ahead and speak to a Strategy Coach on how you can attend our Workshops.
Lastly, I just want to say thank you for your continuing support.
I aim to be authentic and adding value to your life.
I invest to build a life. I build business to create better life experiences.
It’s ultimately about LIFE and I appreciate you coming on this journey with me!
(Written at home in Edmonton, AB)
Written By: Tim Tsai - Principal & Founder at Trust Your Talent Academy