【Financial and Economic Journal FM-Radio|March 17, 2021】

【Financial and Economic Journal FM-Radio|March 17, 2021】



Liu Guiping, vicegovernor of the people's Bank of China


According to the motion, an overall workingmechanism for financial stability across industries and departments will beestablished through the "financial stability law". In the"financial stability law", we should build an institutional frameworkto prevent, resolve and deal with financial risks and maintain financialstability. Establish and improve the authoritative, efficient and professionalfinancial risk disposal mechanism in the "financial stability law".In the "financial stability law", the responsibilities of various departmentsand local governments should be clarified, and the responsibilities of allparties should be consolidated.



CCTV quick comment: promoting thehealthy and sustainable development of platform economic norms


CCTV quick comment: to promote the healthyand sustainable development of platform economy, on the one hand, we should"manage" well, speed up the "online" of system andsupervision, keep "online", and form a joint force by improving rulesand regulations, improving supervision ability and level, and strengthening theprotection of the rights and interests of all market entities on the platform;on the other hand, we should "use" well, and take platform economy asthe "lever" to cultivate platform economy We should cultivate newmomentum, promote platform economy to serve high-quality development andhigh-quality life, strengthen key core technology research and networkinfrastructure construction, and help China realize the transformation from"following" to "parallel" and "leading" in morefields in global competition.



Authoritative release! Shanghaispeeds up implementation of new crown vaccination


According to the Shanghai release, in thefirst half of the year, the vaccinated population mainly included those withhigh occupational exposure risk, those with overseas infection risk and thosein key positions to maintain the basic operation of the society.



ZTE net profit in 2020 is 4.26billion yuan, down 17.25% year on year. Financial report


ZTE expects that in the first quarter of2021, the net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies will be1.8-2.4 billion yuan, with a year-on-year growth of 130.77% - 207.70%.



Revenue increased 282%, netprofit increased 1021%! Futu's financial report of four seasons


In the fourth quarter, the net increase inthe number of assets customers was 99000, of which, Hong Kong and overseasaccounts for more than half of the total; the trading volume of FTU US sharesexceeded the 100 billion dollar mark, reaching US $101.1 billion, accountingfor 65% of the total trading volume.



56%Lucky coffee signed a debt restructuring agreement with major debtholders, and U.S. stocks rose 56% at one time


Lucky coffee said it had signedrestructuring support agreements (RSA) with a majority of holders of $460million of convertible senior bonds due in 2025. The company is actively usingvarious channels for financing, and is currently conducting exclusivenegotiations with investors to raise at least US $250 million throughnon-public offerings.



The auction of 20-year U.S.Treasury bonds was "a great success", with yields diving nearly 5basis points in the short term and falling within the day


The bid winning rate of US $24 billion20-year treasury bonds is 2.290%, which is two basis points lower than the preissue yield of 2.31% at the end of the auction. It is the biggest gap in thehistory since the auction of US $24 billion 20-year treasury bonds wasrestarted in May last year, and other indicators to measure demand are alsovery bright. The market risk sentiment was significantly boosted, and the short-termyield of US Treasury bonds of various maturities fell.



European Drug Administration:"there is no indication" that the AstraZeneca vaccine causesthrombosis


The European drug administration, thehighest medical regulator in Europe, held a press conference Tuesday afterseveral recent adverse reactions to the administration of AstraZeneca. At themeeting, the agency reiterated that "there is no sign" thatAstraZeneca vaccine can cause thrombosis. At least 24 countries around theworld have announced a cessation of use or distribution of the AstraZenecavaccine, while attitudes in France and Italy have wavered suggesting that thedecision to stop using the vaccine may be cancelled.


制造和汽车成重要拖累 美国二月工业产出远不及预期

Manufacturing and automobilesbecame important drag on US industrial output in February


US industrial output in February was - 2.2%month on month, up from 0.9% in the previous month (revised 1.1%). According toan earlier Wall Street Journal survey, industrial output is expected to grow by0.5% on a monthly basis.


Robinhood对手抢滩美股 eToro达成SPAC并购上市 估值逾百亿|IPO见闻  Robinhood's rival snatches USstock eToro to achieve spac M & A, IPO valued at more than 10 billion


EToro will launch cryptocurrency trading inthe United States from 2019, and plans to be listed in the United States in thesecond half of this year. Last year, eToro's revenue exceeded US $600 million,an increase of 147%. Its monthly average registered users were 440000, 2.3times that of the previous year. In January this year alone, more than 1.2million new users were added.


Author: Zhang information consulting services studio

链接:https://www.zzw868.cn/         https://www.zzw868.com/


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Risk Warning: The opinions mentioned in this article only represent personal opinions, and the subject matter involved is not recommended. Buy and sell accordingly at your own risk.


Source: Wall Street



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