Financial Disclosure and Competing Interests Published on BHTY
The editorial, peer review, and publication staff of Blockchain in Healthcare Today (BHTY) has posted financial disclosure statements in tandem with biographies.
We espouse transparency. Out tag line is “Building Trust Through Truth.” Simply put, we are “walking the talk.” We want our audience to know we are committed to exercising fair, unbiased, and impartial review and information sharing.
The scholarly journal environment and practices regarding scientific research, reporting, and data sharing is one that is evolving, as is the blockchain technology health sector. BHTY is committed to exercising the highest standards and practices set by scholarly journals and scientific publications.
To view disclosures go to:
Blockchain in Healthcare Today (BHTY), is an open access online, rapid peer review journal where thought leaders and innovators converge to find solutions in a new health technology sector. BHTY provides objective evaluation of methodologies, pilots, scalable blockchain deployments, and cost efficiencies that advance value based care in the healthcare sector. BHTY offers rapid, peer-review (5-7 days) publication of research, commentary, and proof of concept for blockchain technology that advance value-based healthcare across the care continuum.
Emphasis focuses on local and global innovations that foster ecosystem efficiencies which include:
Public Health | Identity Management | Data aggregation | Data Linkage and Interoperability | Payment Models, Scalability and Adoption | Clinical Study Protocols | Health Insurance, Smart Contracts and Claims Processing | Liability and Indemnification | Risks of Blockchain Use in Healthcare | Machine Learning | Artificial Intelligence | EMR | Precision Medicine | Drug Supply Chain Management | Clinical Trials Management
For article types please go to this link.
Authors must register first before submitting a manuscript.
Correspondence may be sent to [email protected]
Blockchain in Healthcare Today, audience will include 10,000 executives, researchers and innovators in healthcare and academia including hospitals, payers, informatics, biopharma, public health, population health, government, healthcare insurance, CROs, FinTech, VCs, and not for profit organizations, with an interest in the latest knowledge on blockchain technology, implementation and advances on the horizon in the healthcare specialty.
We thank you.
Blockchain in Healthcare Today Team