Financial Accounting
I am writing this blog as a reminder that I would like to borrow this place and leave my son with what I have learned.
2. Part1の復習(バランスシート、ファイナンシャル?ステートメンツ、キャッシュフロー等簿記会計の基礎)
3. Financial ratio analysis
System approach of Identifies what's causing change of ROE
-Financial Statement Analysis
→Diagnostic(診断) Identifies problems
→Prognostic(予実) Predicts(予測) Performance
-Financial ratio
-Trends Analysis
-Common size financial statements (percentages %)
→ Ratio → equal to Numbers for given year / Sales for the year
(Common-size Income Statement / Revenues)
Why Financial Statement Numbers Changed?
Must analyze these items!
Common-size Balance Sheet (All items on the balance sheet / Total assets)
-Asset turnover → Efficiency (Sales / Asset)
-Assets to equity → Leverage (Assets / Equity)
ROE = Net income / Sales x Sales / Assets x Assets / Equity
(Profitability) (Efficiency) (Leverage)
→ Bank loan contracts
4. Ratio Analysis
-Operating cycle
-Operation Cycle Ratio
*Inventory turnover = cost of goods sold / Average inventory for the year
*Approximate inventory throughout the year = (Beginning inventory balance + Ending inventory balance) / 2
*Days sales in inventory = 365days / Inventory turnover
*Accounts receivable turnover = Sales revenue/ Average account receivables
*Average accounts receivables = (Beginning AR + Ending AR) /2
*Average collection period = 365days / Accounts receivable turnover
Operation Cycle = Days sales in inventory + Average collection period
-Days purchase in payables
Days purchase in payables = 365days / Accounts payable turnover
5. The Statement of Cash Flows
-Operating cash flow matrix
①Young, Rapidly Growing Company (Negative)
②Steady-State Company (Positive)
③Mature, Successful Company (Positive)
-Income statement data → Operating cash flow data
Presentation methods
6. Forecasting Financial Statement
-Forecast Statements
Ex. 20% sales up $1000 → $1200
Cost of sales up ?Need for more cash
Wages up ? ?Inventory
Utilities up ?Accounts payable
(- Loan)
(- Building space) → Depreciation
(- Income) → Tax
- No new building, equipment, truck, neither employees
- No new Loans
-Forecast income statement
-Forecasted retained earnings
-Forecasted assets
Assets $792
Cash $12
Inventory $480
Property, Plant, Equipment $300
-Forecasted liabilities and equity
Liabilities and Equities $792
Real World
-A/P Balance $250 → $274 (-$26)
Real World ----- Good timing? / Bad timing?
Must be changed the forecast!
Forecasted Financial Statements
7. Introduction to Business Valuation
☆Asset Valuation Techniques
-Overview of market approach using multiples
-Overview of the cost approach (Depreciated replacement coast)
Cost Approach
Based on the replacement cost of asset
-Depreciation Formula (Straight-line:定額法)
(vs. Declining balance method:定率法)
-Overview of the income approach (Discounted cash flow)
8. Valuation : Using Multiples
Price estimated = P/E Ratio industry standard x earnings per share (*1)
Market-Based Price Multiple
-Values assets
-Earnings multiples
-Equity multiples
Ex. Apple P/B Ratio XX year
-Sales multiples
Price-to-Sales Ratio (for new company ...)
Market value of company / Sales = P/S ratio
Market value of company = Sales x P/S ratio
-Other Multiples (Ex. WhatsApp)
WhatsApp Financials (2014)
Sales $10 million
Net income -$138 million → P/B, P/E no make sense
Book value of equity -$430 million
WhatsApp P/S ratio
$22 billion / $10 million = 2,200 → also no!
Market Value Sales P/S ratio
Google, Apple no more than 5
x Balance sheet value → Negative equity
x Profits → Negative income
x Sales → Tiny, relative to purchase price
Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp → number of users
Price-to-User multiple
Purchase price / Total users = Price per user
WhatsApp : $22 bil. / $400 mil. = $55
Facebook : $200 bil. / $1.39 bil. = $144
9. Valuation : Free Cash Flow
Discount Cash Flow (DCF) Analysis
Start with the sales forecast?
Ex. $1,300 savings at the end of each year
transport public amount timing of cash flows
-Basic idea : Cash flows, timing, and risk
Business Valuation
-Look at similar businesses
-Use price multiples
-Discounted cash flow (DCF) analysis
→ Size of future cash flows
→ Timing of future cash flows
→ Adjust for risk with interest rate
-Risk and interest rates
Variability in potential future outcome
General interest rate 5% (Ex.)
= 20%
-Forecasting cash flows
Preparing Projected Financial Statements
-Natural Increases in Assets and Liabilities
Increased activity = Need for more cash
-Increases in Assets and Liabilities
-Increases in Expenses
→related to volume of sales (変動費)
Reliability of a Free Cash Flow Forecast
-Simple discount cash flow
Cash flow $1,000 (Ex.) Next year
$1,050 Tow tears
$1,100 Three years
Beyond three years → Terminal year
Cash flow forecast + Risk - adjusted interest rate (20%)
Present Value of Cash Flow
10. Valuation : Comparing Models
-McDonald's history
First 10 years : Spent $3 million to perfect their French fries
-McDonald's : The numbers
Risk-adjusted discount rate 15%
1.Constant Future Dividends (model)
Business is valued as if the current cash dividend amount is a fixed payment to be received each year.
Price = Dividends / r (Interest rate)
$16.87 (*1) $2.53 0.15
2.(Growth model) Constant Dividend Growth
Dividends are assumed to grow at a constant rate, forever. This model is also known as the Gordon growth model.
Price = Forecasted dividend next year / (r - g)
r : Interest rate
g : Future dividend growth rate (Ex. Mc:0.11)
Price = ($2.53 x (1 + 0.11)) / (0.15 - 0.11) = $70.21 (*2)
-McDonald's : Earnings multiple
Market Prices
P/E Ratio Price = Earnings x Price / Earnings
Brinker Int. 16.4
Darden Restaurant 14.7 Red lobster
Starbucks 27.6
Yumi Brands 21.5 KFC, Pizza hat
McDonald's Price per share = $5.27 x 20.1 = $105.93 (*3a)
Implied Price per share = $5.27 x 21.5 = $113.31 (*3b)
-McDonald's : Discounted cash flow valuation
Free cash flow = Cash from operating activities - Cash paid for capital expenditures
-Discounted Free Cash Flow Model
→2009 - 2010 10.7%
2010 - 2011 5.1% → 7.9% (Avg.)
→Three years
→ +No new innovative ideas
+Ignore valuation impact of growth
Free Cash Flow for McDonald's (stands at the end of 2011)
2011 Number of stocks : 1,021 billion shares
Price per share : $36,030 / 1,021 = $35.29 (*4)
-McDonald's : Lessons from a comparison of the models
Model1 (constant future dividends) $16.87
Model2 (constant dividend growth) $70.21
Model3a (average price earnings multiple) $105.93
Model3b (closest competitor price-earnings multiple $113.31
Model4 (discounted free cash flow) $35.29
Actual share price of 2011 $98.86
Estimates $16.87 ~ $113.31
Use price multiples when possible.
Don't rely completely on any valuation.
Next steps
Be sure data comes from a reliable source!
*DCF法について (インカム アプローチに区分される)
Wikipedia より
In corporate finance, free cash flow (FCF) or free cash flow to firm (FCFF) is a way of looking at a business's cash flow to see what is available for distribution among all the securities holders of a corporate entity. This may be useful to parties such as equity holders, debt holders, preferred stock holders, and convertible security holders when they want to see how much cash can be extracted from a company without causing issuers to its operations.
Free Cash Flow
= earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT)-(1-tax rate)
(Current income statement)
+ Depreciation & Amortization
(Current income statement)
- Changes in working capital
(Prior & Current Balance Sheets : Current Assets and Liability accounts)
- Capital expenditure (CAPEX)
(Prior & Current Balance Sheets : Property, Plant and Equipment accounts)
= Net Profit
(Current Income Statement)
+ Interest expense
(Current Income Statement)
- Net Capital Expenditure
(Current Income Statement)
- Net Changes in Working Capital
(Prior & Current Balance Sheet : Current Assets and Liabilities accounts)
- Tax shield on interest Expense
(Current Income Statement)
= Profit after tax (PAT)
(Income Statement)
- Changes in Capital expenditure x (1-d*)
(Balance Sheet, Cash Flow Statements)
- Depreciation & Amortization x (1-d*)
(Prior & Current Balance Sheet)
- Changes Working Capital x (1-d*)
(Balance Sheet, Cash Flow Statements)
*d = debt / equity ratio
Cash Flow Operations
= Net Income
(Income Statement)
+ Depreciation & Amortization
(Income Statement)
- Changings in Working Capital
(Prior & Current Balance Sheet)
Levered Free Cash Flow
= Cash Flows from Operations
(Statement of Cash Flows : Section 1, from Operations)
- Investment in operating capital
(Statement of Cash Flows : Section 2, from Investment
That's all!