Finance CPD is Live
Introducing Finance CPD the new offering from Michael Ryan to help your Continued Professional Development (CPD) in the world of Finance Transformation and it is available at Finance CPD on my website.
Over the last 5 years I have produced Finance Transformation focussed content via Conferences, Magazine, Video, Podcasts, Masterclasses, White Papers and Webinars. Many examples of this Content can now be found free on my website Resources page.
In the last 12 months I have hosted 3 events and recorded them all as the Speakers were excellent with strong messages to impart which would further your Continued Professional Development (CPD). I appreciate that many people cannot travel to an Event so it was suggested to me that I use my various Channels of Video and Magazine to offer a remote CPD service to those who don't have the time to travel.
I am conscious that we all absorb information differently due to personal preference and the demands of our modern work life balance. Therefore, I selected the first piece of material that you could watch in video format and created a White Paper from it as the basis for my initial Finance CPD offering. I then placed it on the new Finance CPD Page where you can watch or read at your convenience. Then Register for your Certificate.
The first challenge was to take engaging video content and convert it to a White Paper. In my experience a busy Professional will read an 6 page Document before they will watch 60 minutes of a video and that is why many of the great videos made last year were not watched in their entirety. I have great content on Accounts Payable, P2P, Data Science, Project Assurance, Target Operating Models and much more. I now finally have a regular method to convert this to a White Paper and the output lends itself well to a Finance CPD service offering.
Based on all my LinkedIn Newsletter Articles to date I anticipate that the PDF Document will be downloaded and referred to most often as its easier to share a written point of interest with your team, colleagues or peers than it is a video snippet. However, in launching this new Service I have provided you with both and will continue to do so where the demand is there for video and print.
There is no Chartered Institute for Finance Transformation and the relevant Accountancy Professional Bodies have varying requirements for CPD. However, a common requirement is third party evidence that you attended the relevant Event or Course. Interestingly there is no Examination of whether you learned anything or not, just evidence that you attended.
On that basis I commissioned a Certificate to stand over my CPD Material and you can see an example in the Image above which was created by the Designer of Finance Transformation Magazine. In general one hour of study equates to one CPD Point and the Certificate above illustrates that.
In order to complete the control loop and evidence you absorbed the material and wish to receive the Certificate there is a Registration Section on the Finance CPD page and a one off Fee of £36 plus VAT to all Subscribers to this Newsletter. Standard rates going forward will be £96 plus VAT but I want to give Subscriber value first and foremost in the first 2 weeks of May.
I gave the Fee much consideration and based it on several factors. Firstly, I don't think we value anything unless we pay for it. Secondly, to create the Content with a video to White Paper conversion incurs a cost in time similar to creating Articles for Finance Transformation Magazine.
You can read, watch or listen to the material for free I grant you that but you won't receive the supporting evidence. It actually surprised me that there is no test of what you learned only confirmation of attendance, so I do wish to adopt some form of online Questionnaire by the time I release the 3rd CPD Course.
The speech I chose as the basis of the Finance CPD Launch was delivered by me online to 700 Conference delegates. I was in an empty room which is as true a remote test as you could wish for and is entitled Winning Hearts & Minds. I created a White Paper from the speech and I have given you 2 options, you can watch it all on video or read the White Paper both are here at Finance CPD.
I look forward to sending each of you your CPD Certificates in due course and then creating more Finance CPD material to further your professional development in my World of Finance Transformation.
I already have recorded the 2nd CPD video based on my new Training Course ????∞?????? which provides 9 Steps to Transform Accounts Payable.
This Finance CPD remote service is the 2nd Special Offer price for my Newsletter Subscribers in addition to the Challenger Sessions revealed in the previous Article. To answer a question posed last week would these Onsite Challenger sessions count towards Finance CPD and the answer is yes. As I will evidence your learning onsite with a Test.
The eagle eyed amongst you will notice the subtle change in the Logo and the updates to the Website. All of my Training and CPD Courses are based on my own practical Finance Transformation leadership experience which I am happy withstands challenge.
Therefore, everything new is based on 'Transforming Finance with Michael Ryan.' That is what you signed up for when you joined this Newsletter and I hope you enjoy the additional Services still to be released which will also contain Subscriber Discounts.
As we pass 1,600 Subscribers your special Offer lasts until 14th May and then it reverts to full price so watch the video or download the White Paper today and keep your Career powering forwards. I believe if we grow, we grow together, so where you Subscribe to a service this will unlock future rewards just for you when the bigger services are launched.
I look forward to sharing more great Digital & Course Content with you and discussing them in more depth via LinkedIn Live with Michael Ryan, coming soon.
Have a great Bank Holiday weekend and feel free to share this Article where colleagues would find a benefit.
Best Regards,