Finance Any Deal! Traditional & Creative Financing w/ Michael Ryan
How can you finance *any* deal? If you are an (aspiring) investor you will have discovered that financing is to real estate, as cute cat video's are to the internet. You will also have found that not every financing tool fits every project. And that is why we are so happy Michael Ryan has agreed to present to us! Mike is a financing ninja with more money-getting-tools on his tool belt than almost every mortgage broker you'll ever meet!
A serious investor in today's rapidly changing market? If so, you will want to hear from Michael Ryan. He is a success driven lender with 25 years experience, knowledge, and training in residential, commercial, and small business. He is a proven lender, walking 1,000’s through the complex maze called lending.
Click here to RSVP for Nov 21 Tuesday Fremont CA
Click here to RSVP for Nov 22 Wednesday San Francisco CA
Even more, he brings a multi-disciplined approach to the table. This includes the disciplines of finance evaluation, tax preparation, property management, and property ownership. Michael Ryan believes in real estate and believes in his clients success.
Mike has experience financing just about everything. He finances everything from SFR's and duplexes, flips and apartment building transactions to industrial construction deals using traditional financing, creative financing, private money, bridge loans, combinations of these and everything else under the finance sun. Mike's favorite thing to do is to find creative solutions that allow him to "save" deals that other brokers could not or would not close.
Click here to RSVP for Nov 21 Tuesday Fremont CA
Click here to RSVP for Nov 22 Wednesday San Francisco CA
In his presentation Mike will explain how he uses his 25+ years of experience and his extensive contact list of mainstream, alternative and creative lenders to find the correct financial solution to fund any deal, in California or nation wide.
Mike is a creative deal maker who is truly passionate about real estate in general and financing in particular! You will find him to be knowledgeable, genuine and sincere. Come expecting to learn; and bring all your financing questions!
Click here to RSVP for Nov 21 Tuesday Fremont CA
Click here to RSVP for Nov 22 Wednesday San Francisco CA