Finally, We did it

Finally, We did it

Finally, we did it.... After all the hard works, sleepless nights and countless hours of being in the studio, finally "LOST" album is here. without all of our team, featured vocalists, fan and friends support we never could make this happen. We would like to thanks, each of you for being part of this wonderful journey. 

Get it here:

Executive Producer: Aaron Lim

Team manager: Suresh Unnikrishnan

Photographer & Art Designer: Frankie KokWai

and Special Thanks to:

Our father for all his love and supports.

Limkokwing University of Creative Technology

Sám Kassim

Sugar Danny

Jack's Stuff

Homany Aoni

Mohd Shahir Sulaiman

Angelina Asmawi

Wilson Kee

Shaun Scully

Vincent Ong

featured artists:

Kyle Davis (Musician)

Zainalabidin Mohamed

Black Gs


Mehrdad Razavi Mozart

Nadeera Zaini


Britney Nieves

Dylan Thomas



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