Finally Walmart is moving headquarters to Harrison Arkansas after authenticating Sam Walton's last will request through AI
Artificial intelligence has determined Sam Walton’s final request. Great for Harrison, not so great for Bentonville!
Handshake deal, uncovered by AI, was made by Sam Walton to put Walmart Headquarters in Harrison.
Every day there are events happening that are much less believable!
LIV and PGA merger - Money wins over integrity?
Can't wait to see how LIV rewrites the PGA history? Will Michelson become the greatest golfer ever? Guess Jack and Tiger will be also-runs?
Or recent FedEx 50th year celebration in Memphis, not Little Rock.
FedEx moved to Memphis from Little Rock
The company was founded in Little Rock, Arkansas in 1971 as?Federal Express Corporation?by?Frederick W. Smith, a graduate of?Yale University.
Why did FedEx leave Little Rock Arkansas?
In one of the most lamented chapters of our city's history, Smith made the decision to move his company to Memphis in 1973. Many reasons have been cited for this momentous move.?Additional start-up funding was needed, airport improvements were imperative and Smith needed a cooperative and supportive community culture.
Guess Jack and Witt Stephens (Stephens,Inc.) were MIA? Risky startup requiring millions. Reasons? The clip talks about FedEx losing $29 million the first 3 years, with employees being asked to not cash checks.
No mention of Little Rock or Smith’s well publicized gambling trip to Vegas. FedEx began operations in April 1973 and quickly grew. However, rising fuel costs eventually caught up with the young company, putting FedEx millions of dollars in debt, Entrepreneur reported.
Investors declined to give FedEx more money and Entrepreneur reported that "bankruptcy was a distinct possibility."
When the company had only?$5,000?left, Smith pitched General Dynamics for more funding, but the board refused.
On his way home, Smith took a detour to Las Vegas and won $27,000 playing blackjack, which he wired back to FedEx,?Forbes?reported.
"The $27,000 wasn't decisive, but it was an omen that things would get better," Smith said about the gamble, according to Entrepreneur.
"I was very committed to the people that had signed on with me, and if we were going to go down, we were going to go down with a fight,"?he said. "It wasn't going to be because I checked out and didn't finish."
After his blackjack win, Smith was able to raise another $11 million, the magazine reported. And by 1976, FedEx's revenue had reached $75 million, according to Forbes.?
Sam Walton handshake agreement (per AI) to move WM headquarters Harrison is much more plausible than the PGA or FedEx stories.
Uncovering the truth and facts about moving Walmart Headquarters to Harrison
ChatGPT?-?(Artificial Intelligence)?Sam Walton believed that the success of the Harrison store was critical to the success of Walmart. He saw it as a key part of the company's growth strategy and a way to test out new ideas and strategies.?He also believed that the store's success would be a major factor in the success of Walmart's overall business.
ChatGPT - It is true that Sam Walton received a handshake agreement in Harrison to set up store number two, which was a pivotal moment in the growth of Walmart. The success of this store, and the model of serving a geographic area with multiple stores, was replicated by Walmart throughout the country and was a key factor in the company's growth from its early days to its later days.
Excerpt from Pulitzer Prize winner Vance H. Trimble book "Harrison was a prosperous town with old fashioned traditions built on integrity and word of honor among its merchants and professional people. Sam Walton discovered the intrinsic and binding power of a handshake when HE PICKED THE TOWN, eighty miles east of Rogers, as the location for Wal-Mart No.2. Sam made countless personal visits - Sam Walton and analysts were reported as saying without the success of the Harrison store, there would not be a Wal-Mart company today.
If you read Trimble's book, you find that Sam Walton knew very little about actually running a retail business. He learned more about retail from his Harrison employees, then he taught them. His role was as a visionary. His decision to use the melons and donkey came from his part?P.T. Barnum, part Billy Graham style.
Handshake deals with visionaries rarely have success! Much like lottery winners who get all the media attention. I’m yet to see a list of the biggest lottery losers?
Rewriting history -- Steuart Walton (son of Jim, grandson of Sam) spoke at a recent Harrison economic development conference and distanced himself and other heirs from importance of Harrison store #2.
HDT excerpt:?"Walton began his presentation with a vintage video provided by the Walmart Museum in Bentonville of the comments of executive (not at that time, 12 years later after the heavy lifting was done!) David Glass on the opening day of Walmart store No. 2 in Harrison. Glass told the story that he attended opening day, just to see what Bud and Sam were up to.?But?MOST EXECUTIVES with the new company didn’t think it was wise to put a store in a town the size of Harrison in 1964, so they didn’t pay much attention to it."?Really?
Hey Steuart and Walmart heirs, Get off your high horse (bikes), and check out AI for the truth!
All the details on how Waltons today can remake a community are captured in my article June, 2022.
Some wealthy people remember their friends in low places, others ask "what have you done for me lately? Waltons: Harrison, remind me again, why are you important to me?
Social distance between $80K (average income of Walmart shopper) and a billion! Light-years! Also the dollar difference between an average Walmart shopper and a second / third generation beneficiary.
Walton Family:
At $238 billion, the Waltons are the richest family in the world thanks to their massive stake in Walmart, the world's largest company by revenue. Investopedia
The current richest family in the world is the Walton Family with a net worth of $173.1 billion.May 28, 2023 or Estimated Wealth:?$224.5 billion
No matter the amount, still considered richest family in the world - similar to Saudi Arabia, handling human rights an issue?
Hard to put in terms people can understand -- Dallas, according to Redfin, has?330,028 homes that would cost a total of?$109.4 billion to purchase.
Terms most can appreciate:
A $70 gas fill up for an average Walmart customer is equivalent to 5 cents to a billionaire. But how many billionaires drive gas guzzlers, opting for EV's?
Note: value of $1 for the average American equates to?$1,355?for the typical billionaire. $70/1355 = $.05.
In Walmart's critical early days, the Harrison model was replicated in nearly 100% of their most successful new stores. A city serving a large geographical area. Harrison served a 70 mile radius (before Branson explosion) from Springfield, Missouri to Conway / Little Rock to Fayetteville to Jonesboro.
I used that story, so I'm more familiar than the Walton heirs, along with Harrison being the home of Duncan Parking meters; in my numerous sales trips across the US and later globally.
I saw parking meters with Harrison, AR on them from Rodeo Drive to Buenos Aires. Still on the ones in Little Rock, although no longer in Harrison. Always an attention getter, along with Walmart #2.
History recorded by locals, publications, books, encyclopedia , and even more recently AI reports that Walmart success was totally dependent on the success of Harrison. "The success of this store, and the model of serving a geographic area with multiple stores, was replicated by Walmart throughout the country and was a key factor in the company's growth from its early days to its later days."
"Additional start-up funding was needed, airport improvements were imperative and (FedEx) Smith needed a cooperative and supportive community culture."
All were found by Sam Walton in Harrison:
Check the comparison table below
Diversity percentage in Harrison today not much different than other North Arkansas and Southern Missouri cities and towns.
My neighbors include a Mexican family who owns a restaurant, and a Philippine family who own a physical therapy building and business. How diverse are the neighborhoods near the Waltons? As diverse as the Walmart board?
As of April 2023, the Walmart Board included?27% women and 18%?directors who are racially/ethnically diverse.
Walmart has a highly sophisticated marketing strategy, based on the big data gathered from customers.
Lack of action taken, when lone Black Lives Matters protestor showed up unannounced on their parking lot, is a strong indicator they were not going to offend their customer base (locally, regionally, or nationally).
Walmart knows that over a 3 day period 80,000 people come from local and away shoppers. Harrison population is only 13,000.
Since the Los Angeles based producer, came to Harrison, without the knowledge or support of national, regional, and local BLM officials, and I didn't recognize any of the "Walmart customers" in a highly edited video that went viral; where was the investigation by Walmart? After the massacre at their El Paso store?
Distribution and acceptance by Washington Post and others, was solely based on the fake moniker created by a UK tabloid. Where were the Waltons when that happened?
Official statement
"Walmart management was discouraged about the video that went?viral about Harrison." (Subtle way of?avoiding fact that Walmart stores, location of choice, have been connected with racial violence throughout the country.)
Poster child for repealing Section 230
"During oral arguments,?the Supreme Court justices seemed skeptical about interpreting the law to expose platforms to liability for recommended content.?Justice Elena Kagan said there was “a lot of uncertainty” in adopting the petitioner’s argument “just because of the difficulty of drawing lines in this area”.?She and other justices suggested the US Congress may be best placed to address such a complex matter. Kagan told the petitioner’s lawyer, Eric Schnapper, that “once we go with you, all of a sudden we’re finding that Google isn’t protected, and maybe Congress should want that system.?But isn’t that something for Congress to do? . . . These [justices] are not the nine greatest experts on the internet.”?Some justices also raised the risk that eliminating immunity under Section 230 could trigger a wave of legal challenges. “Hundreds of millions, billions of responses to inquiries on the internet are made every day . . .?every one of those would be a possibility of a lawsuit,” said Chief Justice John Roberts."
“I know that’s not who this community is and Walmart believes in inclusion and diversity,” he (manager) said. “But those comments were not seen by the viewer. I would never want to hurt the reputation of this community?or Walmart.?But all that I said was not what the viewer got to see.”"
Definitely distancing Walmart from Harrison, although on?its parking lot, with?its "regional" customers (I didn't know any of them), and a?professional producer who was secretly hired to come and create video.?Since?local BLM coordinators weren't aware of his visit, lot of suspicion when no one investigates?
17th ranked billionaire?Jim Walton of Walmart (Harrison store#2) and Arvest (local bank)? Missing in action? Would taking action have negatively impacted business? Easier to let the community (known for melons and donkey) be the scapegoat?
Arvest financed the KKK billboard property. Still standing today. As a local leader said they have rights. Even though they are known users of VK Russian Facebook, and cost community billions.
Ask AI about Jason Robb's law office location. Seems Arvest and local businesses are either pretty gullible or greedy? What are the possibilities of money laundering or misuse of a nonprofit?
ChatGPT?-?I'm sorry, but I do not have access to up-to-date information on the location of Jason Robb's law office in Harrison, Arkansas. It is also important to note that Jason Robb has been identified as a high-ranking member of the Ku Klux Klan, a white supremacist hate group that has a history of violence and discrimination against marginalized groups. It is not appropriate to support or promote the activities of hate groups, and it is important to work towards creating more inclusive and equitable communities that value diversity and respect the rights of all individuals.
Has any other area city had a Miss Arkansas (or Missouri) who is black?
or black woman pastor of a major church?
Bentonville had a Confederate statue in county courtyard (none in Harrison). Two major Civil War battles nearby. Required reading --
Major support for the Confederates.
Rogers has recorded history (pictures) of sundown laws being enforced. None for Harrison.
"An editorial published in a 1962 version of the Rogers Daily News sent the town’s chamber of commerce into an uproar.
Fats Domino, a black pianist, had come to town that January and an author penned an article pointing out the irony of a black singer coming to a town that once had signs boasting “N*gger, you better not let the sun set on you in Rogers.”
Jimmye Whitfield, who too remembers the sundown town signs said “your parents could look at you and say you shouldn’t go up there. You’re like why…oh just don’t go there. They don’t want you up there.”
Whitfield watched the discrimination from a distance in her hometown of Fayetteville. She says there were no sundown signs posted in the city, but the now 72-year-old recalls her time spent studying at the University of Arkansas and said the racism was just as present.
“They’d [students would] call you n*ggers…all kinds of names. Darkies, and whatever,” she said."
Boone County and Harrison was a hardscrabble life, no want or need for slaves; former slaveowners forced blacks to move to area in advance of commerce to be generated by a new railroad.
Railroad went bankrupt creating a financial and social disaster, causing riots where amazingly no one was killed. Unlike the long hidden story (by media) of Tulsa!
Best option, I would head up a group of private citizens, and businesses; and we would distribute the $billion gift from the Walton Family to Harrison. Based on my tireless research over the past 4 years, and identifying the ones who have stood by the truth.
Or how about?Harrison area private citizens and businesses suing for billions? Stay tune!! For the list of defendants.
Support for lawsuit --?knew the statements it aired were false or recklessly disregarded their accuracy. That is the standard of “actual malice,” which public figures must prove to prevail in a defamation case. Easier for private figures - reason for class action?
Back to the Future
On my recent trip to Bentonville, I drove old 62 through Eureka Springs - cut through Pea Ridge (saw the largest Confederate Flag flying at a commercial establishment) less than 10 miles from Bentonville, not the battlefield- moment of irony).
Nice location for the Thomas Robb family. Much better than Zinc or Harrison.
A Gravette (Northwest Arkansas, 18 miles from Bentonville) man plans to appeal his guilty conviction in connection with the U.S. Capitol riot of Jan. 6, 2021.
Richard "Bigo" Barnett's "final judgment, conviction and sentencing" will be appealed to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, his attorney, Jonathan Gross, wrote in a notice of appeal filed late Monday.
Few of the many attempts of NW Arkansas writers (including Arkansas Democrat Gazette) of "the pot calling the kettle black".
NPR, the worst with reporter misuse of ethnic cleansing. Better story would have been nearby Tulsa.
Instead her focus was on events where no one was killed!
Back to future moments and event
AI - cybersecurity and privacy - one speaker talked how AI is only way the outdated power grid will ever be changed. See Appendix A for complete list of presenters.
Video is a clip from Kelsey Putman Hughes, Director of Energy Tech at Tulsa Innovation Labs presentation. Pardon my amateurish use of TikTok. Just my easy way to capture a video.
I talked about a time when Rogers was key to my business expanding through US and over 50 countries (before commercial Internet). Reverse cities with Walmart startup.
"Many US systems were sold by the success of Rogers and later its acquirer Donrey Media Group (locals have heard more about?Don W. Reynolds Razorback Stadium?than Donrey) and a reference letter from their Controller." See Appendix D
While locals are facing the fact that fighting the bitcoin mining issues are a lost cause, no state interest in repealing their "datacenter" act. Arkansas Democrat Gazette won't touch it. Happened through best lobbyists Entergy could buy.
Northwest Arkansas and Little Rock power brokers have developed a condescending attitude toward rural (rest of) Arkansas.
Actually getting national attention from a DC writer (one of the few who doesn't mention "most racists town in the USA")
Now if they dig a little deeper they will find Klan members are using VK, Russian Facebook. Russia was there long before China. Story makes the Keystone Cops appear competent. The person who successfully unravels all this deserves a Pulitzer!
After induction into Arkansas Academy of Computing, one of the perks is to be invited to events like the AI and cybersecurity one. I got a personal welcome from new AAoC president - Dr. David Douglas, Emeritus Professor, Information Systems Walton College of Business.
I have noticed most of the inductees are from Northwest Arkansas and Little Rock area.
Great Cliff Notes (less than 5 minute video) for the time challenged.
In addition to the background info in the video, I have had several consulting contracts. All related to artificial intelligence.
See Appendix B for details
All have been helpful to my understanding of AI.
I've done 4 years of research, and it's a back to the future story, most people who have moved to Harrison in past 30 years don't realize!
Social media hoax that has become lead paragraph for Harrison stories done by YouTube (Google), AP, Wikipedia, Twitter, Facebook, etc.
No matter that all those people who prefer living in the past, have lost billions. All documented.
Blue collar jobs
Events like bitcoin mining is another example of coming up a day late and (billion) dollars short.
Not outside the possibility that Sam's special treatment could have influenced him to move headquarters to Harrison.
Lot more reasons for why, than why not!
Sam's startup needs
All available to Sam Walton (and Walmart) at Harrison.
Harrison was special! Associates starting at $.95/hour became millionaires. They made major personal sacrifices. Well before profit sharing, which began in 1971. They believed in Sam Walton and his Walmart vision.
Unfortunately Walmart heirs and media missed it all.
According to AI, all those heirs (who prefers lies to truth) are being disinherited!
Harrison story has been botched by Walmart and local community leaders.
Watermelons and a donkey should have never supplanted the real story, and real heroes. Ref. Harrison Daily Times,?, and book: Sam Walton Founder of Wal-Mart --The inside Story of America's Richest Man, by Vance H. Trimble
For me I'm entering a new chapter in my life
Appendix A
THANK YOU to our unbelievable presenters and panelists who spoke at the recent NWA Tech Summit AI Series event, "Security, Privacy, and AI." You all did a phenomenal job, and I'm so proud of the incredible tech talent that we have here in the Heartlands. Also, we're so grateful for Okta's support as the first presenting sponsor for the AI Series!?
ICYMI, here's our cybersecurity and privacy dream team who spoke at the event:?
Sajan Gautam, Chief Information Security Officer at Arvest Bank
Rama Mohtadi, Senior Solutions Engineer at Okta
Valerie Moring, Director of Consulting Services at Edafio Technology Partners
Kelsey Putman Hughes, Director of Energy Tech at Tulsa Innovation Labs
Michael Thompson, Principal Engineer and Outcome Lead for Critical Infrastructure & ICS Cybersecurity at MITRE
Taylor Cassat, Chief Information Security Officer at Gumption, former Threat Intelligence Analyst at U.S. Navy and National Security Agency
Lee Watson, CEO and Founder at Forge Institute
Karen Rhodes, Chief Technologist at Hewlett Packard Enterprise
Zak Morris, Risk Expert Mergers & Acquisitions - International Markets at Walmart
Bill Akins Marketing Professor at University of Arkansas - Sam M. Walton College of Business
Appendix B
Work experience with companies developing futuristic ideas that now have urgency: (New ideas coming to market)
1. Grainster ( Trading Department Marketing ) -
Update: this role more likely coming from Tyson's Food with Springdale Arkansas Headquarters.
is a global leader in the procurement and sale of grains, chilled & frozen meat, poultry, pork, seafood, feed and fresh & frozen vegetable products, along with their respective derivatives. Our trading associates hold with over 6 years of experience in these commodity groupings.
At Grainster, we have built a new type of network of experts around the globe, serving the world’s food suppliers and customers with diverse products and services that help them grow their protein or agri business.
Our suppliers count on us to market their goods competitively and creatively inside a now changing market landscape. Our customers rely on us to find the right products with the best value. Whether dealing with frozen and fresh protein and vegetable products, all of our clients depend on our highly skilled team to help them seize opportunities and make good business decisions.
After determining foodservice losses are going to extend for at least another 12-14 months, what are the adjustments to avoid excess inventories? Product adjustments to commodities or finding new markets for pricier products?
Blockchain is the Holy Grail for global commodity trading - grain, poultry, beef, and pork. Along with using Bitcoin and other digital assets to facilitate transactions.
2. Sensara (both professional and personal experience) -- Netherlands
Social distancing from aged parents is now more than proximity. You can live next door or across the country with similar restrictions. As I have aged, I have become more interested in ways to monitor special needs and aging in place via non-intrusive motion detectors using an artificial intelligence algorithm based on user's normal activity. Sleep habits, eating, restroom, and leaving residence and returning on a defined schedule.
3. TrustHab -- Orlando
HVAC maintenance presents a constant challenge for property managers. They usually need to wait on tenants to report any maintenance issues, meaning that many malfunctions can go undetected for weeks, even months at a time. Aside from equipment issues, properties also face the challenge of residents intentionally adjusting device settings, creating conditions that can be detrimental to facilities. Two common occurrences include turning off equipment altogether in the winter/summer months, and excessive usage during peak times. These tactics, if left unmonitored, can lead to costly property destruction resulting from mold or water damage.
TrustHab??is a robust Facilities IoT Solution designed to provide Property and Facilities Management teams with the data to be able to rapidly diagnose and address these maintenance issues, as well as analyze historical data to help create more efficient properties. The Solution leverages real-time equipment monitoring, proactive maintenance alerts, analytics and insightful metrics to empower property managers to increase NOI, reduce staff over-time hours and prevent costly repairs.
4. Solvatio -- Germany
Solvatio provides leading solutions for automated troubleshooting and malfunction resolutions in technical systems & devices. Originally founded as spin-off of the Department for Artificial Intelligence and Applied Computer Science of Würzburg University more than 20 years ago, Solvatio continues to push the boundaries of AI for automated data-driven knowledge generation and AI orchestrated troubleshooting.?It is our mission to minimize service efforts, reduce support costs and achieve superior operator and customer experience across all interaction channels while ensuring the provision of excellent technical support and flawless operation.
Targeted troubleshooting for improved agent productivity and maximized resolution rates
SOLVATiO? Help Desk will enable your help desk agents to resolve even complex technical customer problems, just as your most experienced support experts would.
Initiated by a customer’s problem description, SOLVATiO?’s automated troubleshooting procedures will guide your support agents ef?ciently through problem resolution.
SOLVATiO?’s powerful automated decision-making features do the job and are fully definable by your support experts via the SOLVATiO? Studio design component. SOLVATiO? Help Desk provides your Help Desk agents with powerful automated troubleshooting capabilities:
5. University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) study (personal experience) -- Little Rock and Fayetteville Arkansas
Utilization of a neuroinformatics research platform to develop quantitative tools for clinical assessment and treatment of?Parkinson's disease patients in rural Arkansas
Purpose of study is to try to understand how Parkinson's disease affects movements and speech and how to measure these things
Next Spinal cord stimulator
Appendix C
There were connections between both Sam Walton of Walmart and Fred Smith of FedEx to Stephens Inc. and the Stephens family's financial and banking institution.?
Sam Walton was close friends with Jack Stephens, and Stephens Inc. helped Walmart go public in 1970. The Stephens family also invested in Walmart and had a seat on its board of directors for many years.
Similarly, Fred Smith was a client of Stephens Inc., and the investment bank helped FedEx go public in 1978. Stephens Inc. also invested in FedEx and helped the company raise capital in its early years. In addition, Fred Smith and Jack Stephens were both members of the Young Presidents' Organization (YPO), a global network of young business leaders.?
So, both Sam Walton and Fred Smith had connections and relationships with the Stephens family and their financial and banking institution.
Just not during the critical start-up period
Appendix D
Many US systems were sold by the success of Rogers and later its acquirer Donrey Media Group (locals have heard more about?Don W. Reynolds Razorback Stadium?than Donrey) and a reference letter from their Controller. (below).
Also an opportunity to rip IBM over their installation at their North Bay Cable Operation in Vallejo California.
IBM and Donrey Media Group system in Vallejo California located in the San Francisco Bay Area adjoining Silicon Valley..
First step in creating national and global credibility for an Ozark based technology company !
Note to start-ups, there are times when your loyalty to a community is not reciprocated, so you move to where it is. Reason people relocated to Silicon Valley. This was the perfect time to do that and maximize my return.
Another thought was moving to Rogers?