After FAR too long, my new venture is at last up and running. I am pretty excited at being able to return to my early creative endeavours.
After what feels like a year, my new business is finally up and running.
And, believe it or not,I have returned to a previous love, craft work! For this beginning, I am concentrating again on a skill I have had for years, but mostly ignored.
Actually, knitting wth bulky wool, a whole new experience for one who is used to wool and needles flicking in and out at a rate of knots. It took what seemed AGES to not end with tight, tight stitches and something that looked like I'd just retrieved it from the rag bag. And what a surprise this has been. For someone who has been a writer for most of my adult life the last thing I would have thought of would be this. I remember from years ago how I loved making things, greeting cards, lingerie, clothes, even a SAFARI suit for my husband in the days when that kind of thing was all the rage. And when I had the energy and enthusiasm to try almost anything. And what fun that was :-). And my dear, patient, husband, was presented with a suit made in pale blue, complete with pockets, embellished with flaps, with decorative stitching on other areas . Oh my goodness! I don't think I could even do that again if I wanted to. Also I doubt there would be many men these days who would wear such an item, even if it was offered to them
I'm hoping I'm more practical these days and so - my new venture with wool and knitting needles.
My first offering is a cute vest that my family and friends fell in love with. Which inspired an order for my second offering of a really nice chunky jumper, which I will post when the photos have been received. I am currently mid way through a cardigan, which I'm hoping everyone will like too. Hope you like this first offering though, as I've had so much fun with this and a couple of other items that are currently in the pipeline..
Anyway, This post is just to let all my friends and connections know that I haven't actually fallen off the face of the planet, just been going crazy getting my new venture up and running. I hope you like my offering so far, please let me know what you think?? I can be found on as well as here. I normally reply within a couple of days.
My container gardening has been a bit quiet lately as well, being the ned of the Winter season. Most of my veggies have been harvested, with a lovely large crop of Broad Beans. I have recently planted Courgettes, Zucchini and Runner Beans, also, in the next week or two I'll be taking and planting cuttings from my Spider plant, Kalanchoe (which has gone crazy), Jade tree, which has recovered nicely from being attacked by a Hoare frost while living down country, and is now growing really well. I also have an African violet which has sent out a baby for me and I'll be having another attempt at propagating my lovely Christmas Cactus which again gave me two helpings of beautiful pink flowers.
To your best season, whatever part f the year you are in. Hilary