“Finally, the End of Concrete Reinforcement Corrosion at a 
Cost Less Than Steel”

“Finally, the End of Concrete Reinforcement Corrosion at a Cost Less Than Steel”

October 2018

By Paul K. Kane III, CSI, CDT

With the advancement in technology in manufacturing and the advancement and refining of Basalt rock fiber, BFRP (FRP = Fiber Reinforced Polymer, GFRP = Glass fiber and CFRP = Carbon) the end of concrete reinforcement corrosion is near as all of these types of FRP are all currently available in rods or rebar to reinforce concrete and to help with crack control. 

This is nothing new as FRP rebar has been around for 30 plus years and FRP products and their use in reinforcing and strengthening concrete has been recognized by ACI (American Concrete Institute) for over 25 years. What is new is Basalt rock fiber, originally developed for the Russian space program looking for a more cost-effective fiber than carbon and a fiber as strong or stronger than glass and the developed BFRP. Basalt rock fiber has been used for years in the form of “rock wool” or insulation. The same curly fibers fall to earth in Hawaii in Volcano’s National Park and is known as “Pele’s Hair”. The problem with using rock wool or a curly fiber is that is needs to be linear, smooth and straight so that it can be made into something linear, smooth and straight and super strong. With the development of Basalt rock fiber over the last few years companies have entered the Basalt rock rebar business trying to tap into this huge transition from steel to FRP products for reinforcing concrete. The steel rebar business in in the multi-billions of dollars annually a small percentage of this would be a billion-dollar company.

Neuvokas Corp and their GatorBar rebar product is leading the way in converting the way concrete is reinforced. Neuvokas’ #3, 3/8” BFRP GatorBar is 2 times stronger than steel yet 7 times lighter and will NEVER corrode. What makes GatorBar so very different is the proprietary manufacturing process. All FRP rods made for strength are manufactured in a process call pultrusion. Pultrusion is a process where fibers aka threads are pulled from several spools through a dye of a set size and saturated with a polymer resin and is then heated and pull through the production line coming out the other end as a solid rod. Having seen the pultrusion process in a few different factories around the country the rod exits the pultrusion process at about 7 to 10 feet per minute and in Europe there is a company that celebrated running 10 to 12 feet a minute consistently in their production process. The Neuvokas production line pultrusion line in Ahmeek, MI that makes GatorBar runs daily at 150 feet per minute which is 22.5 time faster than any other manufacturer of pultruded rods on the planet.

What does this all mean? Because of advent of Basalt rock fiber BFRP and Basalt rock is a globally abundant resource coupled with Neuvokas’ proprietary manufacturing process, GatorBar now cost less than steel in most areas around the country. Imagine the money that can be saved by everyone as the concrete reinforcement now cost less than steel, and will last much longer than steel and will never corrode so concrete never ever spall.  GatorBar being 7 times lighter than steel there and be huge labor-saving transporting and laying out GatorBar on job sites. Some contractors have said that they can save 40% on labor very easily when using GatorBar.

Here is what engineers and contractors are saying:

“The CTE of GatorBar is very similar to that of Basalt rock concrete so GatorBar will move with the concrete resulting in less cracks and being an FRP will never corrode.” 

Ian Robertson, S.E. Phd.

“This is perfect for shrinkage and crack control.“ 

John Allison, S.E. of Allison Ide Structural Engineers

“Looks like concrete spalling could be a thing of the past in the coming years.”

Willie White of Central Pacific Specialty Contractors, Inc.

“This is a no brainer”

           Just about everyone that understand the advantages and benefits of an FRP and knows concrete work and spall repair.

So, what are you waiting for? Start designing with GatorBar, start specifying GatorBar, start selling GatorBar, start using GatorBar and start saving big bucks and provided much better, longer lasting concrete to your clients and customers. GatorBar is now stocked and sold in Hawaii, Alaska (Jones Act, huge shipping advantage) Oregon, Washington and California. Visit GatorBar.com or call me at 808 375-5394 for a GatorBar dealer in your area or if you are interested in selling GatorBar. www.GatorBar.com www.Aloha-Marketing.com

Paul Kane’ is the owner and Manager of Aloha Marketing Manufacturers Representatives, LLC based in Ewa Beach, Hawaii covering Hawaii, Guam, Oregon, Washington, Alaska and California for Neuvokas Corp makers of GatorBar, Lo-Jac Corp makers of Kodi-Klip system of rebar attachment 


Paul K. Kāne III, CSI, CDT的更多文章

