Peter Nelson
Economist and Fellow Chartered Accountant, as an International Financial Consultant have carried out assignments for all major international donors in many countries.
Since shocked by famed Israeli Professor Yuval Harari's profound predictions that the earth would eventually be flooded with what he called unemployable "useless people" - offering no solution as to what would become of these, I have been searching for a solution. With this I rejected Elon Musk's idea of every unemployable surviving on some form of Universal Basic Income, since this would only be feasible for wealthy countries, but I did accept his hypotheses that smart people would at least be able to work out how to establish a dual human habitation on Mars.
Here again is the question of when the smart people leave earth, what becomes of those who are left? No one wants to tackle that question but now we have the Musk breakthrough in the reality of a neurolink, potentially making all knowledge available to AI simultaneously out there for humans, and as this is going to be a costly integration in the first place, not available to everyone, it certainly will not be there for the useless people.
Leave that for a moment and accept that if humans were interfaced and integrated with all AI, they would at least not be threatened by humans replacing them so able to go off and having learned the lessons on earth, peacefully to populate other planets leaving then the big question of what happens to the remainder and useless people left on earth?
If useless, it suggests that these remainders are not bright and historically when faced with a problem dumb people attempt to solve problems by force. Or do they stay just the same, are killed off by a virus, go under in a nuclear holocaust, are isolation as in Russian Gulags or like put in Chinese Xinyang with Uyghurs? Do they start euthanasia from an earlier age or does one religion become dominant wiping out all others until embracing the final ultimate Islamic goal of death? Either way we are getting nearer the answer to that scary unanswered question of what becomes of those "useless people"...
Employment and Labor Market Specialist, Employment Intensive Infrastructure, Village Development and Governance
1 年Alternatively, you have to come up with or establish a "desired outcome or intended purpose" of humanity and start from there. Then the question you are faced with is the reality - does humanity have a desired outcome or intended purpose? In light of the theory of evolution I would say no. Humanity is likely the outcome of an environmental accident - a minuscule opportunity that developed exponentially
Employment and Labor Market Specialist, Employment Intensive Infrastructure, Village Development and Governance
1 年I think the language is flawed. It is not "useless" people that is the growing problem, it is all the people that will not have a purpose. The word "useless" implies that there is a purpose but that the object that the word "useless" is aimed at does not measure up to the task. From online dictionary "not fulfilling or not expected to achieve the intended purpose or desired outcome". So I think that Musk has the answer - but in my mind it does not include Mars. we need to solve our problems here before we think about inhabiting other planets. Humanity needs to establish a universal basic income. If this is done it will have to be indexed on resources because it will have to represent a real set of basic needs while at the same time allowing people to express their creativity and achieve personal goals. When we have universal basic income (which just means reallocating a portion of all resources and value to those who need it), that will provide the incentive to effectively manage population growth, because the only way that the ones who depend on universal basic income can improve their lives is by increasing the per capita resource distribution.