The Finale
Donna Carlson
Connector | Cultivator | Catalyst -- connecting execs to cultivate networks that catalyze business growth through employee benefit design, community education & curious leadership
Wrapping up our 12 weeks of Tiny Meditations, take some time for forest bathing, or even just take a walk in the neighborhood or a walking meeting around the block. Leave the phone at home. Enjoy the sunlight. Pay attention to the rhythm of your feet on the sidewalk (or on the snow, depending on where you are.)
Link your breath with your gate and be thankful for this day, for two feet (or prosthetic assistance if that applies), and for the gift of a peaceful start or end to the day. If you are a veteran, we honor you on Veterans Day this week. If you are not a veteran, thank a veteran today for peace in our world. #crazyasusualwithdonna