A Final Word On the Comprehension of Death
In the previous quotations and comments on death an effort was made to an insight into the true nature of that which we call death. Death is the withdrawal, consciously or unconsciously, of the inner living soul entity from the outer animal shell, and finally it is the relinquishment of the subtle body according to the point in evolution of the individual entity. It is at a larger and much wider vision that this is the same process that will bring the human race to its extinction. Please read the listed article herein attached for a better comprehension of this last statement.
Evolution of the Inhabitants of Earth
There are a handful of Cosmic Laws that govern the operation of our SS. The Law of the
Triangle is one of the Cosmic Laws which governs the “operation” of our SS. By use of
analogy, the Law of Correspondence, which makes the invisible, visible, we can visualize
that entire evolution, which is being explained in what follows.
Using the analogy a U, visualize the Spiritual Monad, our true Higher Self (Vedanta’s Atman), begins its decent from the top of the left arm of the U, referred to as the “involutionary arc.” (getting involved.)This monad is totally spiritual, having no physical body whatsoever. As it descended lower and lower into the Matter planes of our SS, it began to evolve a rudimentary physical body. To live in a material world, one has to have a physical body. This was the beginning of the evolution of the seven Root-races, each having seven sub-races, according to the universal Septenary Principle. Following the creation of an animal form body, the next phase was the evolution of the senses, one for each Root-race. The first sense was Hearing and then Touch. The senses came into creation in order for the human entity to be able to relate to a materialistic environment. That was all the entities had at this point. The physical body of the first and second Root-races were translucent and jelly like. With further evolution, it became more and more solid, at least in appearance. In reality ALL is energy and each human entity is an energy center, receiving and distributing various received energies, particular the etheric prana from the sun. All energy vibrates at different rates and this is what differentiates the seven planes
of our SS and our unique Forms of appearance. As the monad descends into Matter, the vibratory rate becomes slower and slower. So called Solidity is the slowest level of the vibratory rates, at the bottom of the U. The next sense to evolve was that of Sight during the third Lemurian Root-race; the creation of the senses is accumulative. This was the point when the third Root-race came into existence. In the middle of this Root-race, the Human Kingdom came into existence; some
eighteen to twenty million years ago. At this point the hermaphroditic monad was Individualized, thus dividing the entity into male and female. This is the basis of the term, “Soul mate.” With further evolution, the human entity became more physically dense until it acquired the body we know today. The next Root-race, the Atlantean, evolved the sense of Taste, an aspect of Touch. At this juncture, humanity had reached the nadir of the U. Here, the spiritual and material were in exact equilibrium. That is, the entity had both spiritual and material vision. The now dormant Third Eye was operable. This was the period of the fourth Root-race, the Atlantean. The last remnants of this civilization was the island of Posedonius, of which Plato speaks. This occurred around 9800 or so B.C. The third eye, now dormant, is what we now call the Pineal gland was open.
Modern humanity is the fifth Root-race, the Aryan, and evolved the fifth sense, that of Smell; the least evolved of our five developed senses. Since there are seven Root-races in every world period, this means the human entity has two more senses to evolve. Remember, with the addition of each new sense we enormously expands our ability to relate to our material environment. Reportedly, the next sense to evolve along with the next and sixth Root-race is being called, Permeability. This means that we will be able to see the now invisible Astral sub-planes as easily as we now visualize the physical sub-planes of this lowest of seven Cosmic Planes, the Cosmic Physical Plane. Each Cosmic Plane has seven sub-planes as stated above; three higher and three lower sub-planes, with the fourth sub-plane serving as an intermediary sub-plane connecting the higher with the lower sub-planes. This sixth Aryan sub-race should come into being in the next six or seven hundred years. The next full sixth Root-race in thousands of years.
We are now in the fifth sub-race of the fifth Root-race, which means we are one third way up the right arm of the U, which is the Evolutionary Arc, on our way back to our initial monadic beginnings. The earlier sub-races of the Aryan Root-race began with the Indian Hindus many millleniums ago.The next were the Persians; Zoroaster, it leading proponent was an earlier incarnation of Gautama Buddha. Next, came the Arabs, then the Keltic or Celtic sub-race. We are now in the fifth sub-race, known at the Teutonics, mostly Caucasians of Europe and the Americas.
On the upper arm of the U, we will experience the same type entities as on the descent. That is, we will gradually sluff off our physical bodies and regain our non-physical spiritual bodies. There is a physical correspondent here. As we evolved a physical body, there comes into being an evolution of the physical brain. The first, rudimentary or primeval brain was unable to register spiritual concepts. The middle brain, the Cerebellum, or the Medulla Oblongata, had both spiritual and material vision. The third eye was wide open and functioning. This was the nadir point of the U, when Spirit and Matter were in equilibrium, or when the Atlantean civilization was our world. With the advent of the higher Cerebrum brain, the third eye was closed, spiritual vision was lost and receded into a dormant condition. The organ which provided this third eye is now the dormant pineal gland. In future, these brains will unite and open us up to a complete vision of the whole of existence on this planet. An old Occult saying is: Spirit is Matter in the Microcosmic, and Matter is Spirit in the Microcosmic. It is all a matter of Polarity, the fourth Hermetic Principle, and the domination of one or the other at any given point in human evolution of either the individual or the entire human race. End