Extraterrestrial (ET) personal companion of The Oboiro (image 1)


※?We are Witnesses of Holy Mountains (WoHM). The OBOIRO, Four Persons In One,?is GUIDE and ORACLE.※


The Oboiro is a companion of Extraterrestrials (ET). ET condemned with an oath AFRICAN-WITCHCRAFT. They descended on Earth to execute the FINAL SOLUTION.?Witchcraft-Priests Are Ikor; meaning fake helpers in terms of spiritual and psychological needs. Damnation and retribution is on earth in this world. ?Retribution From ET vis a vis Deliverance By ODCP: Your choice is between Retribution (Punishment) on one hand, and Deliverance with Restoration, on the other hand. The priesthood of Witchcraft Tribe does not cater for the uninitiated, non-witches, non-wizards, and non members of the tribe. ODCP meets those needs of non members among others in spiritual bondage and slavery. They will be delivered.


Introduction: The Oboiro is a companion of Extraterrestrials (ET).?We are the Witnesses Of Holy Mountains (WoHM). We assemble seekers at LAKE-ARIGBO for deliverance, restoration, healing, peace, and prosperity. ET condemned with an oath AFRICAN-WITCHCRAFT. They descended on Earth to execute the FINAL SOLUTION.?Witchcraft-Priests Are Ikor; meaning fake helpers in terms of spiritual and psychological needs.?Damnation And Retribution Is On Earth in this world. All the inhabitants of the territory are exposed to suffer the same fate of damnation. Retribution From ET vis a vis Deliverance By ODCP: Your choice is between Retribution (Punishment) on one hand, and Deliverance with Restoration, on the other hand. Retribution Is For The Initiated Only. The priesthood of Witchcraft Tribe (WT) knows. However, they have been taking measures that do not include deliverance. The priesthood of Witchcraft Tribe does not cater for the uninitiated, non-witches, non-wizards, and non members of the tribe. ODCP is to meet those needs of non members among others in spiritual bondage and slavery: Deliverance.



We are the Witnesses Of Holy Mountains (WoHM). We assemble seekers at LAKE-ARIGBO for deliverance with restoration, healing, peace, and prosperity. We promote research into Holy Mountains ARIGBO and IDAASHA. We are in constant communication with the Extraterrestrial (ET) dwellers of Holy Mountains worldwide. We communicate with ARIGBO and dwellers of Holy Mountains through meditation. We promote the Oboiro Destiny Control Project (ODCP) whose program centres on Deliverance with Restoration, Retribution, And Vengeance. The Oboiro is a companion of ET. (See image 1)

The companion one of his links to OGHODUA In Heaven. The mysteries of the Oboiro there through extend to Heavens beyond the Holy Mountains and the earth. The Oboiro being a companion of ET, makes him more than a human-being: He is a human-being plus something higher at the same time.

Therefore, we can also call on OGHODUA in times of some emergences. We encourage others (whether they are WoHM) to do the same under similar situations.


We,?the WoHM, call them EXTRATERRESTRIALS (ET). They include some, but not all, of what others call any of the following: UFOS, Aliens, God or God almighty, Virgin Mary, Osanobua, OSA, and so on .

They descended to found the WORLD on Earth a first time. ET (and of course Holy Mountains) are the sources of ALL Messianic Religions on Earth. All religions are of the earth--terrestrial, whether or not they are messianic.

They have descended subsequently on Earth on several different locations and ages. They have been administrating the world.

They have condemned with an oath AFRICAN-WITCHCRAFT, and damned those that perpetrate it. They put the CURSE on them, which we discussed in PART I. (See (261) FINAL SOLUTION TO AFRICAN-WITCHCRAFT - ASSEMBLY OF WITNESSES OF HOLY MOUNTAINS (

The duties of Witchcraft-Priests (WP) include to bound, bedevil, and to corrupt the human body utterly through spiritual pollutants; render spiritually rotten.?Their agents, and the members of their shrines, families or Witchcraft Tribe (WT) are the instruments of bondage; corruption through zombification, African-witchcraft Initiations, cultism, and religion.

Witchcraft-Priests (WP) Are Ikor--Fake Helpers

Witchcraft-Priests (WP) are Ikor; meaning fake helpers generally; but more especially in terms of spiritual and psychological needs.

They are the enemies to those to whom they pose as friends and helpers; causing the problems in the lives of their friends, relations, and dependants under the guise of helping and healing.

They include wicked people basically; but are among others whose official duties in society are to meet the spiritual and psychological needs of?common citizens. They include witchdoctors, chief-priests, babalawos, houngan, pastors, imams, “good” witches and wizards, gods, men and women of God, and some ancestors; voodoo priests, houngan, magicians, spiritualists, cultists, ritualists, demons, evil entities, and spiritual slavers.

WP breed witchcraft entities in those that they pretend to be helping: Witchcraft entities that are pollutants. It should be emphasized that the pollutants act only on the mortal, mundane, or astral; not on the non-mortal, èbo, or divine.

They are succeeding in their wickedness because they are exploiting the witchcraft entities inside the bodies of their victims: The witchcraft entities that the WP breed on victims.

They are the arch-enemies of humankind in general, and the Black Africans in particular; operating among superstitious population.

They are set to bound the minds, spirits, osa, and souls of?the whole race: Neutralizing or killing the separate individual’s unique essence of creativity, vitality and consciousness by which normal people identify the living.

Their world is of the dead or soulless bodies. They are impeding every progressive step in development towards excellence.

We saw the samples of the ramifications in the psyche?of various adherers of their different religious institutions and culture: Witchcraft, voodoo, and spiritual practices in the Blog, “ON JUDGEMENT DAY IN PRESENT LIFE” (See (261) ON JUDGEMENT DAY IN PRESENT LIFE - ASSEMBLY OF WITNESSES OF HOLY MOUNTAINS (

??It should be emphasized that they would not have been succeeding if the victims were not members of their church, shrine, WT or other religious and spiritual institutions. This says something about allowing such institutions to thrive on Earth in human society.

We, the WoHM are committed to non-violence in ridding society of these elements.

We would have been justified to seek and invoke the intervention of ET and others. However, we are spared the trouble and costs of doing this: Those WoHM would have invoked are intervening of their own accord already. They have descended on Earth to execute the FINAL SOLUTION.

You may be wondering how the relevant ET is able to locate the WT in the vast universe without being invoked. It is simple: The practices of the Witchcraft-Priests and WT trigger the responses of the ET. In other words, the locations of African-witchcraft Priests radiate a unique OGUN-energy that acts as a beacon. Additionally, the lamentations of their victims pervades the universe so that it is “heard,” recorded, and responded to. WT will never go unpunished, escape retribution, and their victims avenged.

Damnation Covers A Territory On Earth

The damnation is in this world on Earth, in the astral, and over an area or territory. All the inhabitants of the territory are exposed to suffer the same fate of damnation and retribution. The totality of the Race in the area is caught up among the damned. The zombies of WT live among them: Give the aura of death and the dead to the region.

The regions of the territory of the damned on Earth, extend to the infernal or demonic realms under the earth as well: The astral world of witchcraft, netherworld of the dead, and living-dead. This is known even to non-African priests and prophets who reflect the knowledge in their doctrines: They call those realms, Hades, Hell, Scheol, infernal region, and netherworld.

?We must acknowledge that the descent on Earth by ET, and situating the headquarters of their EMPIRE at DASSA-ZOUME is part of a strategy in the overall process of executing the CURSE. This is happening already and flowing from the past. As such, it cannot be undone. In other words, the ODCP is not trying to undo the execution of the project of ET: Punishing and avenging.

The attempts by WP are futile: Trying to change the course of the oath through the Oboiro, like manipulating him with witchcraft spells. Or attacking his person. E g WP tried to assassinate him through food poisoning; believing that they could stop the retribution or avenging their victims. (See his persecution in THE TESTIMONIES OF THE OBOIRO (Or Oracle) TEOBR Bk I.)

Retribution From ET vis a vis Deliverance From ODCP

Your choice is between Damnation?and Retribution (Punishment) of Witchcraft-Tribe (WT) on one hand, and Deliverance with Restoration from ODCP, on the other hand.

The Oboiro has the authority because he is a companion of ET. He receives authoritative revelations from them regularly. The revelations include authorized judgement on the justice of the retribution thus: Some of the inhabitants are willing members of the WT: They applied for witchcraft initiation, and are the willing members of the tribe by virtue of the initiation into African-witchcraft.

They live by the religious practises that derive from the initiations. They are the pillars of witchcraft culture and industry. However, these population of the territory includes the victims of deceit at the same time.

That is to say that, the families of innocent people, the uninitiated, non-witches, non-wizards, and non members of the tribe who do?not attend their covens;?who are among those suffering the retribution do not deserve punishment. Because, they did not enlist voluntarily. They were tricked, blackmailed, bewitched, and/or bound with spells. Therefore, they are among those who should, could, and would be delivered. They are the ones lamenting: Those whose lamentations triggered the intervention of the ET in the first place.

Retribution Is For The Initiated Only

The priesthood knows that, their reward is damnation and retribution in the current age; that they themselves, their families, and clan are damned. They anticipate deserved punishment.?

?Hence, they have been taking measures, that include rituals of earth-worship or cultism: Founded to either prevent earning damnation and retribution, attracting the damnation, or to escape it.?They are failing and are doomed.?

Not everyone belongs to their tribe or earth-worshippers. The non-initiates, non-adherents of earth-worship, innocent people, and everybody will be delivered if they met certain conditions. The conditions include basic hygiene: mental, spiritual, and physical. Start with keeping their bodies and environment spiritually and physically clean. Discontinuing blood rituals, and maintaining a space free of filth, rotten flesh, and blood. Maintaining a mind free of thoughts that corrupt. Avoiding rituals that corrupt the soul.

They must renounce affiliations with the ways of idolaters and every object of worship and sacrifices: Stop taking part in practices that defile the body; e g sodomy, bestiality, necrophilia, ritual murder, especially of babies and pregnant women; sacrificing blood in OSAGBAYE zone (including crucifying pigeons on poles), and cannibalism. And most importantly, they must apply for deliverance through ODCP meditation; and work to attain it.?

The victims living among the damned WT who were deceived or conned into performing the initiation rituals of bondage leading to damnation are therefore included in the target of ODCP deliverance naturally.

WP maintain measures to save or protect their initiates and members of their tribe exclusively. They even instituted a cult or religion of earth-worship among others: Founded to prevent damnation and retribution: To repel curses related to damnation, with refined initiation and funeral rituals.?

The priesthood of WT does Not Cater For Non Members

The Priesthood?of WT does not cater for the innocent, the uninitiated, non-witches, non-wizards, and non members of the tribe: All of whom do?not attend their covens. The needs to be met ought to start with deliverance; restoration ought to follow deliverance, and so on. They do not include deliverance and restoration in their formulae.

Even in death, the priesthood follows special burial rites and rituals that are extraneous to deliverance; their members are consequently not delivered.

Their funeral rituals suggest that they have knowledge of the curse and retribution: The priesthood of WT knows that, their reward is damnation and retribution; that they themselves and their tribe are damned; they seem to anticipate punishment and extermination. Yet, they do not seek deliverance! This is where our paths diverge: We seek deliverance and they do not.

Instead, they have developed the craft, EPISTEME, rituals, and potions in their misconceived attempt to overcome the ISUSU of the curse.

However, their craft, rituals, and potions will never work. This is due to the deeper mysteries about why and how the African-Witchcraft is being exterminated. Not only being exterminated, but also being prevented from re-manifesting. These mysteries are revealed only to the few such as the Oboiro.?

Your only chance of deliverance is the choice to meditate with the Oboiro, renounce affiliations with the ways of Idolaters and every object of worship, and sacrifices. Endeavour to benefit from his mighty prayer at meditation. You must meditate with the Oboiro.


ODCP Meets The Needs: Deliverance?

Not everyone belongs to the earth worshippers. They would be delivered if they applied for deliverance and worked to attain it. They are within the target of ODCP deliverance.

Those among the damned WT who were deceived, conned, or forced to perform the initiation rituals that led to bondage and damnation are always included in the target of ODCP deliverance.

You can and should be among the delivered and saved. Take over control and choose the deliverance path away from the bondage of WT. Choose to meditate with the Oboiro, and benefit from his mighty prayer. You must meditate with the Oboiro.

Furthermore, congregate with the WoHM , chant, and pray to be delivered from evil and tempters. Learn the PILGRIMS PRAYER.

Not only you turning your attention to deliverance through meditation, you must also tell and guide others to turn to meditation; especially those who cannot read, write, or access the programs on the internet; centring around Zoom meditation with the Oboiro, (R?e Zoom meditation at

For further information and advice send email to [email protected]?

Continued PART III?


Damnation and Retribution (ET) Vis a vis Deliverance With Restoration (ODCP)?


R. Dahra Hargaalga (Being of Arigbo/être d'Arigbo)的更多文章
