A Final Semester of Firsts
As I begin my final semester at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, I am filled with what my mom refers to as, “all the emotions.” Eager to begin life in the real world, tearing up at the thought of no more Alpine bagels yet happy I’ll be back home where I have a front row seat to watch my cousins grow. I could go on and on. Amidst all these, there is one particular thought that seems more pressing than the others — I still have so much left to do in college.
My family took Tar Heel born and bred literally. My parents met as students camping out for Carolina basketball tickets. My sister and I were practically destined to go here. I mean, I genuinely grew up believing “dook” was a bad word. Family trips to Chapel Hill were not rare throughout my childhood, and only became more common when my sister got accepted to UNC-Chapel Hill. Far before my years as a student, I had tripped on bricks, taken photos with Ramses, drank from the Old Well and chanted “TAR!” I came into college having completed the Carolina basics, but I’m starting to realize I’ve slacked off since becoming a student — I guess I was too busy making flash cards in Davis (I swear I’m not that lame).?
Truthfully, part of me blames Covid for the fact that I am only just creating my Carolina bucket list, rather than wrapping it up. The other part of me knows I probably could have branched out more during my freshman and junior years. Either way, I am determined to fill my final semester with “firsts.”?
Today I went to dinner with my two best friends, and we made a list of all the unique Carolina experiences we did not want to miss out on. The planning session helped check off item one on the bucket list, “eat at Cosmic Cantina,” which did not disappoint! I think chips and cheese dip may be my love language. ?
I’m not saying checking off each item on my bucket list will make saying goodbye to Chapel Hill easy (nothing can do that), but at least I will know I made the most of my time here. I can’t wait to begin my final semester of firsts, and I hope you’ll enjoy reading about it! :-)