Final Night in Barcelona
Sue and I did “share” something else later on, in my hotel room.
Brenda’s rejection of Alessio kept us from pairing off as couples for occasional intimate time to get better acquainted.
But after we finished with dinner and strolled around the Ramblas for awhile, we retired to our rooms. Alessio and I had considered sharing a room at the Corello, but rates were so cheap that we opted to get separate accommodations. When I heard a knock at my door about 11 p.m. and opened it to see Sue standing there, I was really glad that we weren’t sharing.
“I thought maybe we could talk,” she said as she stepped inside.
“We don’t get much opportunity to do that--- just the two of us.”
Photo: Alessio and Sue, two of my European traveling companions that I write about in My Neighbor Was a Serial Killer--- A Writer's Memories of Mayhem, Romance, and Murder