Final Cut Pro for iPad 2 hands-on at Apple UK HQ, Battersea Power Station
Still from [3:15] into a 12 minute video from CineD

Final Cut Pro for iPad 2 hands-on at Apple UK HQ, Battersea Power Station

Interesting still from a @cinema5D’s new video about the new iPads and the forthcoming Final Cut Pro for iPad 2. Other facts arising out of the video:

  • You can have your projects on an external SSD and be attached to an external display (which probably provides power).
  • Apple Pencil Pro ‘Barrel Roll’ works in Live Drawing.
  • Live Multicam: As well as three external iPhones streaming to Final Cut for iPad, the internal iPad camera can be used as an angle.
  • Quote from video maker about how different this version was. [Apple say that Final Cut Pro 2 for iPad] “was completely redesigned and redone from scratch” […] “The new one is much more intuitive, working well with any touch gesture.”

There’s also some footage showing the interior of Apple’s UK headquarters in Battersea Power Station.


