Final Call
Daniel Munday
Former fitpro for over 23 years, and business owner for over 18 years. Now ready for the next chapter
Yay it's Friday!
Like I mentioned the other day, one of my favourite F words.
Yours too I'm guessing.
Anyways, straight to the point today.
This is the last call if you're interested in making these new morning session happen.
Remember, they are in addition to what is already on the table.
Perfect if you can't make Tues or Thursday.
Perfect if you need an extra day to time in with the rest of you schedule.
The call will be made this afternoon whether it's a goer or not.
I need your help to make it happen.
TIME: 7:15-7:45am
VENUE: Observatory Hill
Are you going to join us?
Or maybe someone you know would appreciate knowing about these?
Please let me know by 5pm.
PS- want to know the investment? check out our options here
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