If we have any kind of Goal, if we want any sort of change in our life, then we need to take Action. But what sort of action. The secret to effective action is Alignment.

What do I mean by Alignment?

The definition of Alignment includes many different ways in which the word can be used - adjustment to a line; arrangement in a straight line. the line or lines so formed. the proper adjustment of the components of an electronic circuit, machine, etc., for coordinated functioning: The front wheels of the car are out of alignment. A ground plan of a railroad or highway.

Archaeology:?a line or an arrangement of parallel or converging lines of upright stones or menhirs. And a state of agreement or cooperation among persons, groups, nations, etc., with a common cause or viewpoint.

Spiritual Alignment -

This Alignment is when your life is in balance. The body, mind and spirit are all working together smoothly - and your life somehow 'tunes in' to the the wider universe.' Here is a sample of information on I've found online -

When you are in?spiritual alignment, everything flows easier. Spiritual flow exists when all aspects of your life feel more attuned with your inner being. Synchronicity, or seemingly coincidental situations, occur more frequently.... Typically, these things occur to urge individuals toward their highest path, to let someone know they are headed in the right direction, or to simply provide comfort and assurance.

This website also offers some tips on how to improve alignment - How to Get Spiritually Aligned

Having an overall balance and routine of spiritual practices within your life can lead to spiritual alignment.?Journaling and meditation assist with the expression and regulation of feelings. Allowing thoughts to flow freely through yourself is not only therapeutic, but sometimes necessary to understand emotions. Responses and feelings can be complex matters, so it is important to look at situations holistically and from a higher perspective. Writing and having space to journal without any expectations is a way to comprehend these complexities and emotions. Physical activity releases pent-up stress as endorphins clear the mind,?and thus makes the body feel lighter. Exercise, yoga, and physical spirituality all pave the path for release and joy.

Negative emotions can be stored in the body and mind. We may tense our shoulders or tighten the jaw when reaching a state of nervousness or anxiety, which are your body’s way of letting you know something is out of alignment and needs attention. Yoga or stretching loosens any tightened muscles, which will create a sense of peace in the body, as well as the mind. The mind will relax due to the lack of tension within the body. Yoga, or other forms of body movement, like zumba or going or walks,?alongside their spiritual?practices aid individuals in self-alignment.?They connect all pieces of the soul. Body, mind, and spirit flow together cohesively when yoga and spirituality are incorporated.

Meditation?is a great way to reground and center the self to?reconnect your spiritual flow. It creates a sense of clarity and space to heal within the mind. This is also how the 3rd eye and various chakras can be opened. Meditation, yoga, and spirituality will generate mental alignment and balance. A deep, concentrated flow of energy channeling alongside patience and positivity, will be the components necessary for beginning the process of...?(moving to a) higher level of consciousness and evoking spiritual alignment. Yoga and spirituality work in a similar manner, bringing about light and connectedness. Practise mindfulness to focus on staying in the present moment.

Eating clean, healthy foods and sticking to a non-processed diet will also aid in spiritual alignment.?Certain organic foods can raise your vibrational frequency, putting your energy in a state of positivity and higher self-alignment. This will also make spiritual manifestation easier to achieve. (

Alignment is related to what some people call The Law of Attraction - but it is not the same. With the Law of Attraction we recognise that what we project into the universe is a bit like a prayer. If we are in a good consciousness, feeling cheerful and positive, then the universe will tend to reflect back to us situations which make us feel more cheerful and positive. If we respond to problems with courage and determination, treating them as opportunities for progress rather than retreating from or trying to avoid them, then somehow the Universe tends to provide a solution.

Similarly, if we are fearful and insecure, worried about difficulties in our life and anxious about our low in come, for example, then the Universe will tend to reflect back to us more situations which will add to our feelings of fear and insecurity. I see this often when I am out playing my music in the street. If I am joyful and feeling good energy flowing through me, offering this joy and energy to the world and all who are passing by, then it is natural that some of those people will be inspired to drop some money in my tin. In contrast I often see beggars on the street, who are looking at the passers by with misery, anger or desperation. it is not the time or place to give these good souls a lecture on The Law of Attraction or spiritual Alignment - but my heart feels sad for them because they are attracting more suffering and lack. What I can do is use my heart of oneness and ask if I can play nearby and share anything I get. They are often attempting to raise enough money to get a place in a hostel for the night and at times I have been able to play there long enough to raise the money they need, by sharing what I am getting 50-50 with them. It gives us both a lot of happiness.

I've been practising meditation and mindfulness for over 40 years and I love the magic that happens when I am in alignment. I'm in a rush just now, so I can't go into this more deeply, but it's worth exploring. You can do your own research.

Watch this space. I am going away in 2 days and had to complete a lot of things before setting out, which has delayed this article a week - and even now I can only start. But this is a fascinating and powerful corner when it comes to increasing the happiness in our lives.

I started this two days before travelling to New York. Continuing now sitting on the pavement outside 'Panorama Cafe' which has internet - but which is closed. It's dinner-time so I have a small window of opportunity to work on this before the Evening Function

The sun is baking hot. I'm reflected in the laptop screen so brightly that I can't read what I'm writing - but apart from that the conditions are excellent! The following Aligned Action stories relate to my workshops in April, May, June and July. Even February and March were significant but I've not remembered the events associated with them as clearly, so I will start with April.

My workshops are more than a way of building my business. I feel that they are what I am being 'asked to do' at the moment, almost like worship. Even though I'm not charging for them, - and perhaps for that very reason - I have to 'trust the universe' when it comes to raising the funds.

April's Workshop

I went on Pilgrimage to New York in the last week of March - to celebrate my 70th birthday at the place I call 'The Holy Ground.' It was only a few days after the March workshop and I returned with only just over a week to go before the April one. Time was tight. So was money. If I put time in for my busking and playing music to raise the funds I needed, I couldn't get everything in place ready for the workshop. It was a delicate balancing act.

Spider Solitaire

When it comes to the stress response I often find that I go into Freeze mode. As the final week before the event began I was fighting with 'freeze.' To reduce the pressure on my stressed nervous system I sometimes play the card-game Spider Solitaire. Back in 2009 - 10, when I was out of work due to the recession and struggling to get another job, I joked that I was 'studying depression from the inside' and one thing I learned was that when it comes to games, Spider Solitaire is scores the best for reducing stress and depression. I became quite an expert and on the Monday of that week, when I observed how the stress was 'shutting me down' I turned to it to give my overheated brain a rest.

I was playing with four suits, on a programme where you can undo moves. It is very absorbing and satisfying because you can almost always resolve the challenge - but it can take hours. As 7pm passed and then 8.00 I got impatient with myself for wasting time and forced myself to go out. I might be too stressed to work out what needed to be done next when it came to preparation for the workshop, but I could always go and earn some money. The money was needed urgently as, with the workshop coming up on Sunday, I had to pay 180 Hall Rent by Wednesday at the latest. And then I needed 150 for the food. I had never been in such a tight spot. Some friends advised me to cancel this month, as there were only a few bookings, but I was keen to maintain the flow, the momentum - and also keep consistent with the other people involved, including the Church Trust who rent out the hall we use. I trusted that if it was genuinely 'God's Will' then I would find a way.

I was still playing the Spider Solitaire game on the train and when I reached Waterloo Station I was close to finishing, so in stead of going straight to my favourite busking spot I went in a cafe and sat down to finish the game.

The Irish Whistle

Suddenly I heard a beautiful sound. It was someone playing an Irish whistle. A tin-whistle is closely related to my three-hole pipe. The sound of both is absolutely joyful. I love it! I jumped up, abandoning the game and went to investigate. I found a lovely lady who I had met years before, well before the Covid lockdowns. At that time we had exchanged phone numbers and occasionally texted each other but we'd had no contact for two or three years.

The coincidence - to meet up after all this time - purely because I had been playing spider solitaire and wanted to complete the game - was thrilling. I went over and we started to chat. The Station Police came over to ask her if she had signed in, as you need to be registered to play there. She's like me, the proverbial London Sparrow. We go where the crumbs are and if someone shoo's us away, we hop. Again, this focussed my mind on what an amazing coincidence it was. She was only playing for a few minutes - and in that time I 'just happened' to be in the cafe close by.

We sat and continued to chat, catching up with each other's news - and in passing I mentioned the pressure I was under for the Hall rental. How much do you need? she asked. About 100. I said. But the problem is I need it by Wednesday. I know it's not impossible to earn it, but it's just so tight for time. I could lend you that, she offered. My money comes in on Wednesday. When could you pay me back? Next week, Wednesday, I replied. That's when my next pension comes in.

I knew this friend is on a very low income - but I also know she has a heart of gold. We both know that money likes to flow - out as well as in. It is often a blessing to receive as well as give. She was true to her word. I met her on the Wednesday, she drew me 100 in cash. I paid it in using the Deposit function of the Cash Machine outside my bank and then used my online banking facility to pay the Church Trust for the Hall.

On Thursday and Friday I earned about 50 each night and on Saturday I parked my car in the Sainsbury's car park and then took a bus into Richmond. It is not as fruitful a location as some of the city ones, but as soon as I had another 50 I would be able to jump on a bus back to the Supermarket and do my shopping. I forget what time I started to play - probably around 11.00 or 12.00. The sun was just slipping off the tops of the buildings down the street when I achieved my goal. I now had paid for the Hall and had enough for the Vegetarian Feast. It was touch and go - but success was sweet.

Feel the fear and Do it anyway is one of the bits of 'business guidance' I take seriously. It comes down to having faith in the concept of spiritual surrender - and not giving up. I was so grateful to The Universe' (or whatever power had been watching over me.) And the Workshop went well - as it always does - despite the precarious finances.

That was how I raised the funds I needed for my April Workshop. I repaid this friend on the following Wednesday, when my pension came in. - and then started the uphill journey to prepare for the workshop at the end of May.

The May Workshop

This time I was able to earn what I needed for the Hall Rental in good time - but I was struggling a bit in the last week before the workshop, to raise the 150 I needed for the food. I went out a few times in the week, and raised over 50 pounds, but it was not enough. I went out early on the Friday, determined to raise the balance, so that I would not be under pressure on Saturday - and that was the day that I had 'A Good Lesson' (which I wrote about in an earlier Newsletter.) I met a lady who had bought one of my silk scarves online - during the Covid Lockdown - and I had failed to deliver. It took a couple of hours to sort that out with her - and left me really exhausted both physically and emotionally. I continued to busk until the flow of people passing by had diminished to a trickle. And I was still 50 short for buying the food next day.

An Angry Man

I was happy to be able to get the last train back to Hammersmith. There were several people waiting for the next night bus - and I sat down in the bus-stop feeling utterly exhausted. The man beside me started on an aggressive rant about how bad everything is in this country - and how the buses never run on time and our London Mayor should be shot. Every second word was an expletive. He was a very angry man. I am sure life had treated him harshly and there were probably some reasons for him being in such a bad consciousness - with alcohol adding to the mix. I could sympathise but I did not want to listen to another word. I asked him if he liked music and pulled out my pipe and tabor. I said, 'I'll have to stand at a bit of a distance, because the sound is quite shrill.' It was a great way of escaping from his non-stop tirade.

The Dancers

I stood between two bus-stops and started to play. Where I had been almost too tired to walk to the bus-stop after getting off the train, a few minutes earlier, I now found the energy of the music lifting me. Nearby a group of young men were started to dance. I don't know if they had Irish ancestry but they were all wearing different shades of green and they absolutely loved the music. I played a selection of traditional dances and tunes which have a strong connection to the Celtic tradition and Irish music. They were entertaining each other by out-dancing each other and videoing the dances. The 30 minute wait for the night bus melted away with a lot of laughter as we all enjoyed the music and dance.

On the bus, the angry man, got into a loud argument with the bus-driver, insulting him like anything and accusing him of being very late. The Driver was a model of tact and patience. He showed the angry gentleman his timetable - he was actually two minutes early - and no, he had no idea what had happened to the previous bus. Eventually the angry man made his way to a seat. He turned round to those of us sitting further down the bus and began to tell everyone in a very loud voice, just what he thought of the state of the country.

A gentleman sitting near to him leaned over and said, 'Excuse me, sir, Do you happen to be travelling with a free Senior Bus Pass?' Surprised the angry man said, he did have such a Pass. 'Well then, do you think you can just be happy that you have a free ride home and keep quiet for the rest of the journey?' Everyone on the bus burst into spontaneous applause. I was inspired to pull out my pipe and ask, 'Would anyone like some music?' I launched into the dance tune 'Come lassies and lads take leave of your dads.'

Come, Lasses and Lads, take leave of your Dads, And away to the Maypole hie; For ev'ry fair has a sweetheart there, And the fiddler's standing by. Then Willie shall dance with Jane, And Johnny has got his Joan, And every maid shall trip it, trip it Trip it up and down. And every maid shall trip it, trip it Trip it up and down. There are lots more verses but this gives you a good idea of what a happy tune it is.

This is one of the brightest and most sparkling dance tunes that I play. It reminds me of the way a robin bursts into song that is like a cascade of joy. The entire crowd on the bus burst into more spontaneous applause and again I was delighted and humbled by the power of the music to change the consciousness and lift people - including myself, from tired and jaded to joyful and full of energy.

I was busy writing to my daughter on Whatsapp all about my adventures of the day and the important lesson I had learned about recognising that online customers are also real people and need to be looked after as seriously as those who we meet face to face - and how music can change the world. The angry man was indeed keeping quiet. I was vaguely aware that someone on the bus was asking people for directions, but it wasn't until I suddenly realised that, in my focusing on whatsapp, I had missed my stop, that I actually noticed this young man - we were the only two people left on the bus. I asked if it was he who had been asking for directions. He said yes. He was new to this part of London and unfamiliar with the public transport, especially at night. He needed to go in a completely different direction. Others on the bus had advised him to stay on the bus and return to Hammersmith - but he had no idea what to do after that. He didn't look as if he was much out of his teens - in his early 20's perhaps. I know that, while attacks on young women get all the press, young men are the most at risk of coming to harm, when they are out alone at night.

The bus was circling back and I would need to get off soon, to catch the very last bus that would go close to my house. I asked if he had anyone at home who would be worried that he was out so late. Yes, he agreed. His girlfriend would be worried - but his phone was out of charge - and he didn't know her number - it was on the phone! I suggested that the young man get off the bus with me. He could charge his phone up in my house and at least phone his girlfriend. Then, since it was already nearly 2am, he was welcome to kip down on the floor at my house and find his way home in the morning. We could find out the best route and it would be safer that way.

We were waiting for the bus to my house, standing in the dark. It wasn't the time for casual conversation. I was aware of tiredness dragging me down and simply couldn't wait to get home and to bed. It had been a long and difficult day. After a while he said he thought he might just call an Uber taxi, once he had charged up his phone at my house. He asked me if I had any idea how much a taxi might cost. I said it would be a lot - at least 50 pounds from here. It was quite a long way. He pulled a face but said he thought that would be the best thing to do. He really did want to get home tonight. A bright idea flashed across my mind. 'If you're ready to pay a taxi 50 pounds to drive you home, I said, I could drive you home for that!' He had just been paid and had the cash on him in his wage-packet. He was very happy to agree.

We went home together and while he charged up his phone I made us both a snack and a hot drink. My exhaustion had simply melted away. I was flooded with energy and happiness. Once again 'The Universe' had 'delivered.' Despite all the dramas and lessons of the day, right at the last moment, my prayers were being answered. - except I had not even been praying for a miracle that might place the needed funds in my lap that night. That was well beyond the stretch of my imagination. Talk about miracles - and the power of Aligned Action!

In the drive to his home with him, I was able to listen to this young man's story. He came from Morocco. He was his parent's only child - but they both had several children from earlier relationships. Somehow he had never 'fitted in' to this big family and they split up when he was 13. Neither of his parents wanted him - and he had lived on his own since that age, living from hand to mouth in the street for much of the time - and working since that young age.

A few years ago, when he was 17, he met a very nice English tourist, who was visiting Morocco. They fell in love and got married. That was how he came to be living in England. But after a few years, their relationship broke down - and they separated. Now he was trying to move his life forward and he'd met a nice single mother who was happy to have a good man in her life. Her two children were already calling him Dad. He sounded really proud of them - and happy with his new role in life. And one reason why he was so keen to get home that night was that he was 'dying for a spliff!' His girlfriend would have one waiting!!

What a hard time some people have! I headed home as the sky was beginning to light up. I was delighted to have the full 150 pounds I needed for buying the food for my workshop on Sunday, and grateful to have been able to help out that young man and enable him to get home. He was in my thoughts for days. It certainly won't be easy to make this relationship work out well but I wish him and his new family all the best.

I was very grateful to the Universe for providing me with the money I needed and taking all the pressure off my Saturday so I could get ready for the workshop in a relaxed way. As with April, my May workshop was a great success - and my heart was full of Gratitude to God / The Universe / my spiritual Teacher - for another great example of Aligned Action.


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