The Final Act
A Motorcycle Cop was standing outside the fence of a soccer filed watching his son play soccer.
The officer had just finished his shift and was arrived at the field just in time to watch his son practice.
The ball was accidentally kicked over the fence and went across a busy highway. One of the boys took off after the ball, but was stopped by another bystander who was sitting near the intersection of the busy street. The man told the young lad to wait and he would stop traffic so he could cross safely and retrieve the ball.
The boy did as instructed and the man stopped traffic and held it for the boy to retrieve the ball and return safely to the soccer field.
The man walked up to the fence near where the police officer was standing. The officer in a gesture of thanks and respect smiled at the man and raised his hand in a sharp salute.
The man suddenly pulled a gun from beneath his biker jacket and shot the policeman in the face.
It was by pure coincidence that at the time a police helicopter was flying over head with a surveillance camera running. The entire event was caught on video unbeknownst to the shooter.
The shooter walked casually to his friends all sitting on their bikes and they rode off with them.
The bikers had just stolen a shipment of motorcycles that were being delivered to the Police Department, they rode these stolen police bikes at the time of the shooting and headed off to a warehouse near the docks to hide them.
The police helicopter followed them to their destination and watched them leave with the stolen motorcycles still in the warehouse.
That night when they returned for the stolen bikes, the entire police department was there waiting on them.
They had all ridden their own bikes to the docks and simply looked like another biker group enjoying the evening ride.
The thieves were all apprehended without incident and the man who had murdered the officer was taken into custody.
In a matter of hours after a police officer was shot and murdered, his killer, the accomplices and the stolen merchandise was all secured at the same time.
At first, the officer did not realize that he was looking down. He saw thousands of people smiling and saluting a life size photo of him, smiling and saluting.. A photo taken by the helicopter was placed in the stadium and the stadium was filled with people
When he looked around him, he saw others close to him looking at him and smiling and saluting him.
He realized that he was no longer on earth, but was instead in the heavens. A wise looking older man came to him and said, “ Come with me. We have a special job for you.”.
He took the officer to the entrance of the Spirit World and stood him beside the gate. He said, “It will be your job to stand by the gate and welcome those who enter.”.
It was not long before people started to come to the gate. As soon as they saw the officer, they smiled and saluted him.
The officer was amazed. He could not believe that the line was so long and that all of them were smiling saluting him, everyone of them were doing the same thing.
He looked at the wise old man and asked, “Why are they saluting me with such a smiling face?”.
The wise old man told him, “Your very last act on earth was one of respect and kindness even to the man who murdered you. When people all over the world saw this, they realized that just a simple act can be very meaningful to many other people. They salute you with a smile because, you taught them that they should always act as though what they are doing could be the very last act they perform..”.
The moral of this story is a simple one. You never know when a single act can change the lives of millions of people. If your next action is to be the last one of your life time, make it one that will bring positive change for those around you.
A Fictitious story by
Jim Windwalker
copyright 2018 by Jim Windwalker