The Final Act by F. Merrill
Bright lights. Curtain calls. A cruel and unsuspected murder
What is the price of success, and are you willing to pay that price? These are questions F.R. Merrill poses in her debut novel, The Final Act, a thrilling work of suspense set in Broadway.
F.R. Merrill takes us into the life of an assistant producer, Faith Straton who is just one step from bringing her Native American production to Broadway. As she inches closer to her dream, however, things start falling apart. A friend is lost forever, and Faith Straton discovers she is a target for murder.
A professional storyteller and short story writer of more than 15 years, F.R. Merrill’s first novel promises to be a gripping page-turner that’ll not only entertain and thrill readers, but also enthrall them with fascinating insights into Native American culture. The author’s mastery and understanding of human nature and motivations arms the book with all the necessary elements to be a memorable and touching read with valuable life lessons that we can apply to our own lives.
The Final Act will have you confronting many of the most difficult questions that plague our times – from the value of financial success and popularity to the importance of other people in our lives. It’s certain to earn a spot as one of the most meaningful and most enriching books to be published this year.
About the Book:-
Check this Out - THE FINAL ACT: From Woodstock to Broadway is an interesting read.
Bright lights. Curtain calls. A cruel and unsuspected murder.
What is the price of success, and are you willing to pay that price?
These are questions F.R. Merrill poses in her novel, The Final Act, a thrilling work of suspense set in Broadway.
F.R. Merrill takes us into the life of an assistant producer, Faith Straton.
He is just one step from bringing her Native American production to Broadway.
The Final Act will have you confronting many of the most difficult questions that plague our times.
It’s certain to earn a spot as one of the most meaningful and most enriching books to be published this year.
It's interesting that a bit of Native American culture has woven through the story. Good story for a long flight.
Edge of the seat suspense!! It holds your interest and keeps you guessing who the murderer is!!
LOVE this book! Enjoy the suspense and FR Merrill's writing style!
The story is suspenseful and thrilling and you will love the Native American stories.