Pessada Holdings
Innovative Full Service F&I Product Provider. Industry Leading Business Solutions. Committed To Your Success.
?When most folks here the term, replacing your filters, they generally dismiss it with a thought of “I’ll get it to one of these days.” But changing your filters have exponential benefits to your car. Taking the time to change those filters either yourself or having them done at an auto repair shop proves very beneficial for so many reasons.?
Automotive safety experts estimated that air filters should be changed between 12,000 to 15,000 miles driven. Those numbers go down if the car is driven in more dusty or desert conditions. Refer to the owner’s manual which will have a maintenance schedule specifying when those filters need altering. It’s also important to remember that dirty air filters can appear clean but they should still get swapped out after those miles have been driven.?
New air filters help with reducing emissions, engine performance, protecting the engine and vital parts and will also help with your wallet as it increases your gas mileage.?
It is very inexpensive and fast to replace your filters. Costs usually fall anywhere between $25 to $50, and most repair shops can replace them in under an hour.?
Reducing emissions has become a hot topic on the planet today as the world has a huge fight on its’ hands with Climate change. By keeping your filters from being clogged, your car won’t rely on the sparks plugs nearly as much and that gives drives a much better chance of avoiding serious driving issues. If spark plugs get overused and polluted due to the air filters being clogged, many times this will result in your vehicle idling or affecting your engine in a negative way causing a myriad of issues.?
Prolonging the life of your engine while at the same time, increasing your fuel efficiency are great additional reasons to keep an eye on your filters. What takes less than an hour and usually less than $50 will pay off with big dividends, keeping your car and the planet healthy.?
For more information call 855-246-6700, email us at [email protected]