The Filmoteka project developed by GO-IT team №5 This web-application contains the implementation of all essential and relevant JavaScript instruments, such as:
- asynchronous HTTP requests to the REST API back-end as well as rendering the results of such requests;
- working with data stored in the local Storage;
- manipulating with pagination by implementing it with both "tui-pagination" library as well as with Intersection Observer API to provide the page with infinite scroll;
- working with "dark-theme" using both css and media queries;
- live-search through the movie-titles collection, which refreshes the page every time you input the new letter inside the input field;
- modal windows and appropriate eventListener's (both their addition and removal as per best practices);
- npm parcel bundler to increase the performance of the project by reducing files volume as well as using the utilizing multicore processing.
- axios library to get even more convenient interface to handle HTTP requests.