Film Noir
Film Noir
Film Noir / Article by : Siavash Rad - submitted to university
GenreNoir has a general well-known structure which is recognized by almost anyone who is familiar with general movie genres.
Genrenoir has some simple characteristics that make it easier to recognize. The lighting is very high contrast and the script usually tells a very unique story. These two elements make this genre different than any other ones.
The ideas mostly deal with the dark side of the human society; Most film noirs aerobat a detective who is trying to solve a mystery case. The way they go about discovering the different elements of the crime is what gives film noir its special touch.
Color splay an important role in film noir. They contain and illustrate the shady,mysterious side of the society that is such an essential part of film noir.
In all film noir someone is bound to die and someone acts as the detective who goes on hunting the mysteries and slowly puts the pieces of the puzzle together until is all one whole piece of story.
BladeRunner is a great example of a film noir, but if we look closely at the fabric the story, we could categorize it as the New film Noir. I believe film noises almost always shot in black and white, but because Blade Runner's color,content and its script I think of it as a new film noir.
The theme and the content of the new film noirs, are almost always futuristic. Intoner words the story in these movies revolves around a future time in human history. The Matrix trilogy is one great example of such movies.
The narration is another important factor in the new film noir. The story is almost always narrated by someone in these films. The presence of a narrator helps the director manipulate the audience's thoughts and reactions through different plot twists and surprises at the end of the movie. The narration could be given by the main or the secondary characters in the movie.
A good film noir also makes use of flashlights, many special effects and dramatic,high-contrast lighting and it pays special attention to existentialist ideas.