Fill the Page.
Begin with a blank page.?You do have that luxury. Start to consider how you would like for your life to fill the page.?You may either follow the followers (don't we have enough of them?)?or you may live your life as a leader.?Since you are the best manager of your life and the only one truly capable of this job, how can you best lead??How can your life serve as an example of truth and integrity for others??
Here are a few questions for you to consider:
Many of you have been waiting for the promotion or position that will make you a "leader." Many await the sanction of another before they feel comfortable moving forward.?Wait no longer! Your invitation is here! Step up and assume the role that you were destined to play.?WE ARE ALL LEADERS. If your life isn't working well and you don't feel effective, respected, or joyful, change it.?Change it TODAY! It sounds simple and we all know it.? The question still remains, “What is the cost of NOT being a leader?”
Success or sabotage? Do not wait for another to define your success; contributors are nice, but the bottom line is your own.
Is this going to be an incredible day??Follow your own lead and appreciate the power that you have to create on a daily basis.