Filing Press Coverage
Joseph Bachman
Commercial Property Investment & Development | COO of Blue Alpine Partners
Once you put in the hard work of positioning your brand for press opportunities, make sure you follow through to track your press coverage. Press contacts will sometimes email a PDF or links to editorials or features. Once received by email, it is good practice to file immediately in your brand’s folder structure.
We save our press coverage in the ‘Marketing’ folder and then in the ‘Press Activity’ subfolder and finally in the “Press Coverage” subfolder. We find that having an organised and logical folder structure saves time and helps new staff to find things quickly.
To go a step further, we also organise our emails within dedicated folders. For example, if a magazine sends the front cover and the page that features our brand, then we would allocate this email in our Outlook (or Mac Mail) folder structure in the following way: In our ‘Inbox’ folder, we would have a main folder called ‘Press Activity’ and a subfolder called ‘Coverage’ and then another subfolder called “SS17”. Different collections would have its own subfolder.