File the Wrongdoings from the Trump Transition 2016-2017
Good Day All
I am working on the Change Management and SAR Logistics papers, but something more important has cropped up, and?I need your memory.? You see after seven years my MSPB case has come up.? You might recall, a few years ago, I won the EEO case.? As you may remember in that case the agency (FEMA) investigated whether I was harassed because I was South African.? 500 pages of great finding came out (what for the book) and the agency asked the judge for a do over. Oh yes, I am not South African. This is one of my disappointments. The agency lawyers never bother to validate facts. One day, we will get to straighten out the facts of this case.
Today, however, we are facing the question of whether I was put on a PIP (Performance Improvement Plan) illegitimately.? You see Agency has the obligation to complete the evaluation prior to placing the person on a PIP.? They manufactured my evaluation after I was placed on a PIP, in March.? Further, Tali Wenger was never my supervisor until after the performance period, and General Saunders was not incapacitated.?So, he should have done the evaluations rather than being told to butt out.
Factually, I had three satisfactory quarters followed by a SUPERIOR quarter, 2016.? In the last quarter I was project manager for 6 processes that the State of California says are worth $Millions, and then deployment until mid-January.
This should be a slam dunk, given all the witnesses but the judge has dis-allowed any witnesses but for the supervisors, not any of you, not the Executive Officers, and not the Timekeepers.? Further, the Harassment during the period of the PIP and the domestic terrorism after I left the agency is off limits.? I will get to bring this up in circuit court, but I would prefer to wrap this matter up now, if I can.?
I do not like it when people cheat and get away with it.? It angers me.? So, I have chosen to, at this time, ask for an investigation from the Office of the Special Council (OSC).? I filed a disclosure and that investigation has already begun.? I identified $Millions in technical processes lost because Wenger refused to take the briefings and instead placed me on a PIP.? Wenger stated, “I’ve been told if you are ?on a PIP then I do not to have to review the work”.? Brilliant, that one. However, that is also the misuse of the personnel system, in a cover up. And that is not legal. Kind of similar to Donald Trumps situation.
The OSC disclosure case is being reviewed for the next 38 days, and the investigators, as triggered will come from Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretaries Office.? OSC is actually interested and took up this case. Some of the DOD analysists have estimated that 5000 SMEs (below SES level) were targeted in this way, at the time of the Trump transition.
The disclosure unit is a little handicapped as they don’t have their own investigators.? They rely mostly on corroboration, which requires independent filings.? At the time of the Trump transition, there was plenty of fraud and waste and abuse and loss of valuable information…? You all saw it and I ask that you report on this.?
Further, if you are aware of the loss of capabilities through Wenger’s dereliction of duty then please report that.? I have reported the 6 post wildfire processes and the Coastal Flood Loss Atlas (CFLA) and others.? Please report what you saw.? Additionally, as it turns out many of us could ?have a filing with OSC regarding acts that are not?permissible.? Harassed, and diminished – or as the Executive Officer in Readiness & Assessment puts it, "living in a toxic environment.”?The people in that group had their personnel records played with.
When I made my filing I found that my prohibited?personnel practices (PPP)? filing is intertwined with the OSC disclosure filing.? ?This is important.? There is whistleblower protection and investigators that come along with filing Wenger’s prohibitive Actions.? In my case, employment discrimination;?retaliation;?improper hiring practices;??failure to adhere to laws, rules, and regulation, and a gag order were violations.? Each of these OSC filings will only take a few minutes.? For those of you that worked with me. Please reference my filing and the OSC case manager (Chelsey Whynot) so the information will be bundled together.?
Lastly,? we have been advised to file with the DHS Office of Inspector General (OIG).? The OIG has their own investigators.? Since, many of us lived the comedy farse of the last filing, I want to assure you that Piper is unlikely to usurp the OIG process again. So, please report what you saw. It is important.
For those that served with the "Black Hatters" this will be the opportunity for some payback.? While, I am sure that most everyone has moved on, my family and I have not been able to do this.? We get threatened on a weekly basis, but after, seven years we don’t care, and someone at the agency has broken the law at least 23 times to prevent me from working.? The security investigators and the contractors have given me some insight.? It is amazing that contracts were actually threatened.
If the OSC disclosure case is found to be probable, then Wenger will be removed from the Agency. Others, that you cite could suffer the same fate. It took me several years (and the explanation of some of the folks from Region IX) for me to understand about the Fifth Risk, Michael Lewis (Trump transition). I took a DOD analysts to explain why SMEs were targeted through the personnel process; seven years.
?These issues need to come to light now; please file. Thank you
File OSC Complaint
Reference:? OSC File No. DI-24-000872
Chelsey Whynot?(she/her) Attorney Advisor, Disclosure Unit, U.S. Office of Special Counsel
1730 M Street, N.W., Suite 218, Washington, D.C. 20036-4505
Tel: (202) 804-7562
?File DHS OIG Complaint
?Here is the link to file a complaint:?Home Page ( )
?Main phone number: (202) 981-6000
Hotline phone number: (800) 323-8603
Mailing address: 245 Murray Lane S.W., Washington, D.C. 20528-0305
For more information, please visit the DHS OIG website at?Home | Office of Inspector General ( )
?Thank you for your time.
William Sanderson
630 492 7422
Emergency Management Consultant at Encore Consulting LLC
6 个月State of California says the lost processes are worth $Millions. Let's get them back.
Emergency Management Consultant at Encore Consulting LLC
6 个月Emergency Management Consultant at Encore Consulting LLC Please file with OSC. They are investigating the loss of capabilities at the 2016 transition. Like the Post Wildfire Risk Assessments and the Coastal Flood Loss (maintenance process)... Thank you ?? Like Reply