Fighting Words in ABA?
Paul "Paulie" Gavoni, Ed.D., BCBA-D
?? WSJ & USA TODAY Best Selling Author ?? Int'l. & Keynote Speaker ?? Director at PCMA ?????? Award Winning Professor ?? Behavior Analyst ??Champion MMA & Boxing Coach
If you are like many who are steeped in behavioral science, you understand the great need for the technology of applied behavior analysis (ABA) across almost every facet of life.?From moms, teachers, and coaches to CEO’s and world leaders, a fundamental understanding of the principles of behavior can drastically improve performance, outcomes, and quality of life.?I like to think of it as the science of helping people. ?Given the amazing benefits linked to ABA, it leads one to contemplate why it isn’t being taught in every school and business across the world.?
Unfortunately, there are many misconceptions related to the science.?Though I believe the reasons are multivariate, there are a couple that stick out like the nose on your face.?The science is the science.?There is 100+ years to support it.?The science ain’t the problem.?It is scientists.?Skinner warned behavior analysts many decades ago that we must beware of our own bias linked to our history.?It would appear many in the field have not heeded that warning as the science is all but invisible to those outside of autism related affairs.
It’s Simple…or Is It?
Einstein was once quoted as saying “Make things as simple as possible but no simpler.”?I don’t think we have quite achieved the “simple as possible” mark in the field of behavior analysis.?He was also quoted as saying “If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.”?I don’t think that quite captures it either.?Brilliant folks are plentiful in the field of behavior analysis.?
It is my contention that the failure to effectively disseminate the science likely lays in the hands of disseminators. In this case, behavior analysts.?It doesn’t take a brain scientist to figure it out.?Or perhaps it does as it would appear the behavioral scientist hasn’t done it yet!?In our propensity to carry the behavioral torch through terminology that is too often confusing (the rat’s never wrong!) to those who may benefit, we may have inadvertently built walls that keep others out….and keep us in.?
It’s Mine and You Can’t Have It!
Perhaps it is purposeful.?After all, resistance to terminology change, for example, keeps us in a position of “power” (how dare I use such a word!!) while keeping others in the dark.?Like classism amongst the fields, we can maintain a perceived position of power as the “knowledge holders” while snubbing our nose at fields like social work that might be heavy in heart, but light in data.?For example, let’s look at the two very common terms in behavior analysis, positive and negative.?While they are simple words, they carry a very different meaning to 99% of the population! ?As such, they are quickly confused by the concepts of positive and negative reinforcement.?Why-oh-why can’t we just say “added” and “subtracted” reinforcement (Ledoux, 2014)???I’ve asked people in the field their opinion regarding changing the lingo …and I received mixed responses.?Some are for it.?Some have “no comment.”?Still others finish the conversation with something along the lines of ?“we are watering down the science” or “why should we have to dumb it down.”?
Why does it have to come to that??Why is speaking in a way that helps people understand “dumbing it down.”?The statement reeks of elitism.?If that’s the prevailing thought, the science is doomed to remain confined to a privileged few while a world that can be helped by it remains unaware of its existence.?We need to be better.?I’m not suggesting the science be changed in any way.?I’m suggesting we put forth a collective effort to make practical uses of our incredible science accessible to others so they too, can see how wonderful it is.?When they do, the “word” will get out.?
Because the general public has been inadvertently kept in the dark, most people are unaware that behavior analysis exists.?Unfortunately, the few who know of it believe it is something “done” to a person with special needs or autism.?Most have no idea that behavior operates on the environment.?Perhaps Enviroscience (Lattal, 2015) would be a better term.?At least the science is paired with the environment through this title.?OK, calm down ABA disciples.?I just happen to like the idea put forth by Dr. Lattal.?I personally don’t care what it is called.?As long as we can help more people learn to us it to help others.
Artful Science
Here’s food for thought.?In 2006, the New York Times article What Shamu Taught Me About a Happy Marriage went viral as one of the top emailed articles of the year.?The article, a humorous piece that clearly illustrates concepts such as DRI’s and shaping in regards to improving a husband’s behavior, was written by somebody who knew very little about the science. ??It’s mind boggling that a “layperson” likely brought more attention to the science than even the most highly regarded behavior analyst during the last few decades.?While members of our field are spending years completing a research article that will be read by 10 people, lay people are writing about that science and it’s being read by hundreds of thousands….with no mention of the actual science that is at the core of their article.?What would happen if more people within the field put as much energy into pursuing ventures that made the science appealing to the masses??
In his article titled The Aesthetics of Behavioral Arrangements, I think Hineline was really onto something when he broached the subject of “Artfully Implemented Science (2005, p. 16).?His point was that we must not minimize the power of how “things look" to those we are supporting or trying to engage in processes related to the science.?How “things look” not only applies to those we are trying to engage, but those we are just trying to make aware the science exists.?To the layperson, ABA is like abstract art hanging on the wall.?While each person has their own take, only the artist truly knows what they were attempting to convey.?It’s my suggestion more folks in the field focus on artfully marketing the science.
Behavioral Evangelism
Thankfully there seems to be a very small groundswell of folks who are looking to share the science through different outlets (e.g. and in different ways.?Passionate about the science, yet confident enough to step outside the bounds, these folks are like evangelist shining a light on aspects of ABA as it can be applied across different fields.?As my buddy Manny Rodriguez notes in regards to the dissemination of ABA, “The field of behavior analysis has come a long way from the early days, however more can be done.”?Manny suggests there is an opportunity for analysts to further disseminate the science through public speaking.?And Manny isn’t just talking the talk, he is walking the walk (well, he’s actually talking a lot, but you get the point!).?He is actively disseminating knowledge, insight, and skills through public speaking.?In fact, he just presented fundamentals concepts of OBM as they related to leadership and coaching at a school superintendent conference in California.?The thought of all of those superintendents finding out that ABA can be useful to them as leaders makes me very happy.
Listen, there are likely some folks reading this who are deeply offended by my opinion.?In fact, these same folks can likely dance circles around me with their depth of knowledge regarding the science.?That’s ok.?If you are one of those folks, I’m sorry I’ve offended you…kind of.?You may see this article as fighting words, but I don’t want to fight!?You are desperately needed in the lab or conducting research to maintain the integrity of the science.?However, in addition to you, we need folks like E. F. Hutton.?You remember the commercial, “When E. F. Hutton talks, everybody listens.”?Folks like Aubrey Daniels who can talk about the science in a way that is palatable to others.?We have to step outside of the lab, outside of our conferences, and outside of our behavioral peer groups.?We must play nice and share with others.?And dare I say it, speak in a way that makes sense to others.?Here’s a novel thought. How about we start pairing our jargon with theirs???
As I mentioned at the beginning of this article, the science should be everywhere.?As a former fighter and current coach, I am very proud to have successfully used ABA technology to help develop the M-1 Global Heavyweight Champion of the World, Kenny “Deuce” Garner.?Here’s “Deuce” getting Vladamir Putin to “throw up his Deuces” in St. Augustine after we successfully defend the title.
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That’s right, the application of the science in mixed martial arts helped to create the champ!?To be clear, I’m not trying to brag on myself.?I’m bragging on the science.?If I didn’t have a fundamental grasp of the science, I’m certain we would have never reached the pinnacle of the sport.?The science is novel to the fighting sports, but it shouldn’t be. ?At any rate, I want to share my experiences with my behavior analystic audence.?
In addition to helping a number of fighters acheive championship titles, I have aso used applications of OBM to support struggling organizations and failing schools.?The application has been so successful that thousands of students and staff in failing schools plagued by high poverty have met with success.?When I say success, I mean huge growth in areas like academic achievement, attendance, and staff retention.?And huge decreases in misbehaviors and out of school suspensions. ?It is my strongest belief that fundamental applications (e.g. pinpointing, self-monitoring, goal setting, repricoal feedback, and positive reinforcement) of OBM can have a dramatic and positive impact on Public Education across the country.?So strong is my belief in the application of OBM in schools that I’ve actually written 3 books on the topic: QUICK Responses for Reducing Misbehavior and Suspensions, Deliberate Coaching: A Toolbox for Accelerating Teacher Performance, and Quick Wins!?Accelerating School Transformation through Science, Engagement, and Leadership, a 2nd version of which I am currently working on with Anika Costa, M.S.Ed, BCBA in collaboration with Keypress Publishing?that will be out in 2023. Now, I make pennies on the dollar for book sales, so I'm certainly not attempting to profit from you by sharing these links. I just know that what I'm sharing works, at least it has worked for me to support schools directly or through my Heart & Science Consulting business. I hope this will open up the eyes of other behavior analysts regarding the potential of OBM beyond the business world.?
Orginally published in the now defunct Bsci21
Hineline P.N. (2005). The aesthetics of behavioral arrangements. The Behavior Analyst. 28:15–28.
Currently looking for new opportunities Dubai (Past Registered Behaviour Technician, ABA,Vocational)
2 年Thanks for sharing. I agree behavior analyst should beware of their own bias. Do they actually? Do they practice among themselves and across? I do not think so. When i was in the field as rbt, there was 0! I found? them only practicing biased, being racist, discouragement, being dishonest only commanding and expecting within and across their field and supervisees?! What examples are they settings? Why are they even practicing?! If one practicing as bcba then follow it honestly without using it in wrong way. Purpose of bcba is to improve behaviours among us,supervisees, children and across various fields, to grow and make each one of us better at work,co operation among bcbas,rbts,sp edu class teachers,parents, be/show inclusive,create value? and not to cause burnouts, leave the profession with disgust and hatered for the field also progress at all!
CEO, Executive Advisor and Board Member. Leading turnarounds and value creating, accelerated growth. Interim Management.
2 年Wow! Not sure I ubdertthe purpose of this article…
Chief Operating Officer at inBloom Autism Services
2 年Emily Jimenez
Behavior Analysis - Online Therapy - Forensic Psychology - Criminal Behaviorology
2 年And even Putin makes an appearance. Communication of these ideas is our number one problem. Working on my own project in this area, Novel Uses of ABA Webinar series. Lots of unique applications everywhere to be found.
Founder @Autism Intervention Specialists- Dubai ??????? ???? ?????? | Professional Advisory Board Member IBAO ????????????
2 年Any chance the Quick wins! Book is available as a digital version???