Fighting for what's right

Fighting for what's right

First and foremost, TheSocialMedwork’s main driver is to help patients and their treating physicians access medicines that are not yet approved where they live. 

As a registered Independent Intermediary for Medicines and a registered Pharmaceutical Distributor, our business model is often misunderstood by stakeholders in the healthcare industry. 

As a medical intermediary, we are allowed to legally act on behalf of patients and their treating physicians to help them source and import medicines that are not yet approved where they live. We do this thanks to a team of experts in patient support, sourcing and logistics.

As a pharmaceutical wholesaler, we ensure that our sourcing and logistics partners are well audited and that every single medicine is transported in a GDP compliant way. We do this thanks to our in house legal and pharma experts. 

When trying to explain what we do to peers in the industry, it is important for them to understand that everything we do, we do on behalf of each individual patient who needs us.

TheSocialMedwork has faced many challenges throughout the years, one of them being the misunderstanding of what we do and what we are here to change.

Thankfully, we have been able to continue serving and supporting patients and their treating physicians regardless of what came our way. 

The fact of the matter remains that the current global healthcare system is fragmented and exclusive. Patients die needlessly without access to medicines. Human health data is not leveraged effectively, and wellbeing is not a true focus for public and private sectors. 

We are continuously pushing to revolutionise healthcare by opening a door to global access to all who need it. 

Thanks for reading



