Fighting the Good American Fight ????
I’m old enough to remember learning our nation was founded on freedom and not oppression
Today, your more likely to be taught the opposite
“all men are created equal”
isn't a commonly held principle anymore. Just look at our school systems. Look at our government.
Biden's UN ambassador earlier this week claimed "white supremacy is weaved into our founding documents"
Or that our constitution is what makes America the most free nation in history
This week, the largest teacher union met over our independence holiday weekend to declare promoting critical race theory in schools
That is, that we are systemically racist and should disregard judging on ones character and opt for skin color
It’s a scary realization to come to. That MLK’s work could potentially be so easily swept away.
But with this comes hope thats found in our actions. I’ve had the privilege to speak to many parents, students and educators the past few months for research. The common denominator has been the actions taken.
Parents showed up to school board meetings in opposition of CRT
Pastors and churches stayed open. They accepted the fines, some went to jail. And their support grew exponentially because they stood their ground to freely worship.
Americans are saying no to mandatory non FDA approved vaccines where drug companies have no liability for
Our president got kicked off of big tech and new media companies formed because of it
Conservative groups are meeting, people are getting involved in local elections, we now understand the impact our governors have, students are leading movements in groups like Turning Point USA
Moves are being made
Arizona just moved to ban CRT in schools system
PA voted to limit the authority a governor has in an emergency declaration without the general assembly thank you Senator Doug Mastriano
I’ve personally created more meaningful connection to people this past year out of conversations like these
In the spirit of Independence Day this past week...
Fighting the good fight in the greatest nation despite big brothers shadow
In all the stir, I'm more proud to live in this country than ever. May the fight to preserve liberty and this great nation, with a limited government, led by the people continue.
God bless ????