Fighting the Dentist
Yes, I was.
Odd part is that I did not know it.
Should start by saying he is as kindly as a gentleman you will find. The type that would never hurt anyone. As my grandfather used to say, "he wouldn't say shit if he had a mouthful."
Been going to him for sometime and respect him immensely.
Still, I was fighting him. Unknowingly.
He was doing some work on my gums that was, for lack of a better term...uncomfortable.
He and his hygienist were trying to hold my face and mouth in place. During a break, I asked how am I doing thinking he would give me a glowing report on my cooperation.
You are fighting me...
Apparently I was making the procedure more difficult and last longer because he was having to work harder. Had no idea that was the case. Way to go, Matt. #teamplayer
Thought about this recently while working with an individual going through an interview process. Part of our role as facilitator is to discuss each interview and to help prepare for the next one. For the hiring company as well. Basically, to gather feedback and use it to provide guidance.
This particular person was fighting me.
And they did not know it.
We have the same goals. When we suggest a certain article to read, to write a thank you email in 24 hours, how to dress appropriately, to practice answering a specific and challenging question and to have a level of energy conducive to that interviewer probably best to give us the benefit of the doubt.
Most folks are great. They listen, trust and nail it. Feels awesome for both of us.
Then, there are some who say things like this:
Yeah, I could have answered that question better - the one we discussed before.
I was feeling tired from the previous meetings earlier in the day - when we had described the importance of energy.
I do need to get on those thank you emails. May have some time tomorrow. - Horse, this is water. Please drink.
I know it is a startup in the Bay but thought I should still wear a tie even though you said don't - I got nothing.
More important than fighting us is that this person is fighting themselves. Preventing the opportunity from becoming a reality. Each of the items mentioned above happen. Not often, thankfully. Would not be writing this if they only occurred this one time, though.
Like your parents, teachers, coaches and dentists we want what is best for you.
Stop fighting us. Stop fighting yourself.
Matt Kaufman works for and with The Mullings Group. We are the leading global medical device executive search firm. We have your best interests in mind and we have the inside information. All about trust and execution. Would never steer your wrong. Matt is a good listener at the dentist now. Got to pick something from the treasure box last time.