Fighting the Climate Change Leviathan
Fighting the Climate Change Leviathan
In a 2006 book titled From the Gulag to the Killing Fields, Personal Accounts of Political Violence and Repression in Communist States, editor Paul Hollander cites a study by Mr. Edward Shils, highlighting the tactics used by communist ideologues. Communist/Socialist regimes led to the deaths of over 100 million people in the last century. The tactics of these extreme groups, described below, are an apt description of the tactics of the Kings of Climate Change:
- Extreme hostility to “outgroups”. You are either for us or against us. Dialogue or civil conversation with the “enemy” is betrayal.
- Complete submission to “in-groups”. Our party and its leaders are to be supported without question. Criticism of our side is breaking ranks, and breaking ranks is treason.
- All relationships are subordinated to the “cause”.
- The most important thing to know about the world is that it is divided between “them” and “us”.
- Purely theoretical ideas that do not clearly serve the cause are to be repressed.
- The expression of sentiment is a sign of weakness.
- We and our group can only survive by the manipulation of others, who are there to be manipulated.
- The triumph of the cause will result in a harmonious world without conflict.
We are Hester Prynne, but our letter is CO2.