Fighting Away the Blues
Pooja Sodhi
A techpreneur establishing a mark in the e-commerce world| Revolutionizing the world of D2C marketing.
“The way I see it if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain”-- Dolly Parton?
Every time there is a dark cloud, and you feel that your worries are going to let you down, just remember this little mantra and you will be on your way. When you are walking down this journey called “LIFE”, it is natural to feel burdened with the weight that you carry on your shoulders each night.?
It is also a given that you have those days when nothing you do cheers you up and you feel there is no point in fighting that never-ending fight. But, listen up closely, and listen up real nice, without the speedbumps on the road, the journey will indeed become boring and dull.?
There are instances when one wakes up one morning and feels like we have no energy whatsoever, which is when we need to get back on track and follow these steps to the T.?
Step 1: Stressed spelled backward is desserts! Just hearing this should give you the biggest clue that no matter how difficult life may seem at that point in time, things will fall through and you will be smiling in no time. The biggest cause of most distractions is stress. Stress is the name of that monster that comes to you at odd hours and ruins even the most perfect day. First things first, try finding the triggers of your stress, once that is done, give it your all to keep it at bay. Managing your stress level is the only way you can keep calm and look for a solution rather than focusing on what's wrong.?
Step 2: Have you made a mental note of those things that bring you instant joy. For example for me, I have realized that whenever I feel stressed out a bar of chocolate does the trick. It could be anything under the sun. One sure-shot way of leaving the grey clouds of worry and tension away is by doing things that you enjoy. Take a break, travel to the mountains or the beach, or simply switch off for a while and listen to songs that are upbeat.???
Step 3: When self-love is the best form of love, they mean it. We spend our lives giving up and doing so much for our loved ones, but have you ever stopped caring about yourself? The moment you feel good about YOU and think about yourself, from that very moment every shred of doubt/self-esteem issues will come to an end. Come to think of it, the moment you feel good about what you do and have that inner fire that is oh so essential to ensure that fire remains burning, is the time when everything around you will seem perfect and like pure bliss. So, yes one way that you can fight the blues away is by focusing on YOU. In short treat yourself the way you would treat a loved one, and show yourself some TLC.?
Step 4: Sometimes I feel I’d rather be drifting off to la-la land because everything is just so happy, peaceful, and calm. Is it just me or do you guys also feel it's best to go off to sleep so that a bad day gets over? True to this very feeling comes the fact that getting proper sleep is the best way to get over any exhaustion be it physical or mental. When you sleep, you disconnect from the rest of your worries and that simply means that everything is just right. Along with this, it is also true that your body recuperates. So, if you want to be happy, sleep-sleep-sleep and repeat.?
The means of achieving happiness may be different for different people, but the end result that we look for is the same. So, when you are down in the slumps and need instant happiness what is it that you do? Do let me know.