Fight for rights I 365 days I 7.7?milliard

Fight for rights I 365 days I 7.7?milliard

Although we all have a basic concept of what the law is and why it is necessary to have it in place to serve and control our behavior in society, we rarely consider what the law truly means in everyday life. What are the laws that apply to the regular Joe on the street? And what does the old human rights defender do? Why is she so quiet? 2022 is the time to speak, right? What should I do?Fighting for rights? Let me explain. Why I am silent in the eyes of my readers I followers

What influence does the law have on our daily lives? Is the law, in fact, a remote abstraction with which we struggle to connect? Some people believe that the law exists solely to defend their rights and that they do not require regular engagement. They believe, however, that if the day comes when their actions are brought into question, the law will apply, justice will be served, and the people’s will be carried out.

This may be a naive understanding of the role of the law and how it functions in our daily lives. The constitution, for example, establishes the limitations within which the government can and cannot act to safeguard the residents of our country. That has a profound impact on the way our government, and indeed our whole country, is operated, with ramifications for everything we do and how we do it throughout the day. Even at a local level, the law influences the services we receive, the jobs we have, and pretty much every aspect of our lives. Is it a farfetched idea? No, I don’t believe so.

You start shouting as soon as you notice something is wrong with the judicial system. DEAR ONE. As a whistleblower, you do not have an easy life. You must deal with a variety of issues that the average citizen is unaware of.

Some things are still obvious to me after all these years. I still have a lot to discuss.

Many whistleblowers who know what happens behind the scenes are with me.?.Professionally and privately. With me many whisteblowers who understand what goes on behind the scenes.

I was part of certain groups from an early age. They haven’t heard from me since the car accident. These groups work 24 hours and are mega active. There are many people who don’t hear from me anymore because there is another interest than fighting a system. A system with a plan that has been around for years, even before I was born.

When you think about cardiac screening, you would imagine someone over the age of 50 requiring one. However, in some circumstances, a cardiac examination for younger people is just as crucial.

Both in the Netherlands and Spain, I regularly have seen the heartmachine. I wouldn’t even have survived the coma without that heartmachine. Even after the car accident, I could barely breathe normally. My heart raced and it was like having a big elephant on my heart. I still remember how scared I was in the emergency. My partner had to wait in the hallway. And I had such a strange feeling, such an anxious feeling, when that doctor did the screening again and again. I will never forget that moment. Finally, she told me that I had to do an extensive screening in the hospital. The reason I was shocked by this event is the following:

Years ago, I also had to have a screening done in the Netherlands. My mother had heart surgery. My doctor told me it was a family problem. And that I had to avoid stress. That doctor clearly didn’t know the circumstances in which I lived. My life was full of stress. And then my profession, which was mainly voluntary, was full of stress and sadness.

Humanrights and Health

If I keep doing things the way I’ve been doing them, Could it be that my heart could no longer bear it? So, where does the issue of human rights come into play?Isn’t it true that the human in me would be in heaven? The first thing we must safeguard is the body. Then there’s a feasible system in the real world.

Is it easy to keep my mouth shut? No, and from time to time I also post something. And there are people here and there who ask me. However, after a long bath or shower, I try to shake myself off that energy. And I think about the here and now and cherish my body that I still have. What a miracle it is after all the ND I’ve been through.

I also notice that many people say they stand up for human rights. But really, just screaming on social media. It is a negative energy that is spread. And sometimes I even reacted to that. That does not work. It doesn’t assist a high-vibe society. And it doesn’t assist good relationship with each other either. And with our own inner world.

Sometimes I post something to make a statement in a funny way. I notice that the message doesn’t even always get through. People are so caught up in negative energy and screaming that they don’t understand that they affect their own energy negatively. Like attracts like. If you yell and are angry at the outside world, it will bounce back. Despite the fact that you *are* preoccupied with the rise of human rights in your head and heart.Believe me, I received the damage from it myself. It’s kind of like playing Mr. Hood. Because you rob your own energy of positive high-vibration frequencies.

Ying Yang

PowerAs an SS researcher, I also have to mention to you that everything is ultimately connected. Without the dark, we can’t see the light? Nothing is just good or bad. It’s impossible. Life is a learning process. Every person, every body, even the governing body, has good and bad points. And we learn through the good and bad points. I will not describe the disadvantages of our government here. It is clear that the system has an agenda. And don’t like whisteblowers? The one who wants to protect civilians? But what does the whistleblower hope to protect the citizen from? In retrospect, it is up to every citizen himself to know the code and to work with the universal laws. Every citizen has the time to play games or sit on Facebook. Then no citizen is forced to become a hero for the sake of another. Since every citizen can visit a library or do a Google search for “law book”, It’s not that hard. They have their own voice. Which one should they use? People want to be free.

By the way, it was the government that assisted me after the car accident. You can’t go anywhere without a passport. Since the car accident, I no longer had a passport. Without a passport, you can’t authenticate yourself, you can’t go to the bank, etc.

How many times did I yell at the friendly lady who offered me assistent? “I don’t need a passport, I am more than my passport.” Yes, the blond human rights defender was still thinking about changing the world. Freedom for all. But on closer inspection, that car accident was a lucky accident. I was shaken awake. My head was still in the coma from years ago. “Heaven on Earth” Yes, nice for my books, a script for the movie. But what about open borders in this society? Perhaps it is better to maintain a little order in a friendly human way. Rest, for everyone.

The people I worked with The people who hired me The groups You know, they’re great people. I am proud of their efforts. And the will to change something. However, our paths part. “ In addition, too many people always want something for free. Until I can’t even buy a sandwich? Strive for the right to food and free drink for all human beings. And I don’t have a sandwich myself? It’s too ridiculous how much free time I’ve spent on human rights. After all, the human is not an alien. and can only be human after another. That applies to all citizens. Whether you work for the government or for an anti-government program, It all makes no sense since life is not eternal for all of us.

The observer

At this time in life, I am the observer. Back after writing and a wallflower decoration. The theater is closed on all fronts. The comedian uses her lipstick for a canvas design, fine art, or a sealed letter. As I said, I live in a hotel. All I do non-stop is write and design. It’s a lonely life. I have left my partner and will never be able to return. Also, I don’t think I’ll ever welcome a new partner into my life.

Since then, I’ve avoided the TV, radio, and newspapers with all my strength. Once a human rights defender begins, always get the urge to make a change! When I see injustice, I get angry, sad and feel disappointment. My ex likes to listen non-stop after the fable newspapers, the Facebook messages, and the news on radio or TV *include the fake news circuling. in which we only get to see the reports of all the misery. But you know, There are still so many beautiful things in the world. We live on a beautiful planet. The ocean is immensely beautiful, the sky is immensely interesting with its different stars or that flower with those few ants walking over it. That’s my field of view when I choose to walk around. But not now. When I walk outside and see everyone with those masks full of fear in their eyes, for a possible disease, I don’t want to see that image again. I prefer some abstract art, a candle, and a few flowers around me.

I don’t close my eyes, but I don’t like to open them either. Everyone around me knows that. I try to focus on what I can still do, and still try to recover from the car accident. But it is deeply sad that after all these years, I am still in silence.


A pale, ugly blond girl sat in class. Once again, there was a huge discussion in class. At such times, I use my dream world to separate myself from the nonsense. However, there was suddenly a comment that haunted me for years. “Why doesn’t Yvonne say anything? Never Actually!” The master looked at me with a frown on his face. I looked back wide-eyed and noticed all my classmates’ eyes were on me. And all I could think was, “Did they see me? Do they want to hear me? But what can I say?” This nerd had formed no opinion. It wasn’t an interesting discussion, and she didn’t want to take sides. Why choose between two nonsense expectations to pick up on a deeper life?


The same thing happened.This woman doesn’t take sides anymore. I am the lone observer of the whole. And at night, I can look around for hours and just wait for answers. Nothing has changed over the years. Why am I alone and without real friends? People want you to pick a side. “ Talking or gossiping about nonsense messages in society is a sign of About discussions, politics, or even about artists. Sorry, I’m not talking about any particular person, company, or organization. “Yeah, but that or that…” Yes, what? You know, our words and thoughts just make it worse. *check my book — All is energy *play 99.999 procent space I akashic records I double package

Win or lose.

In the Netherlands, there is something that hurts me the most. But you know. This is Yvonne. And it also made me a stronger woman. That person didn’t break me. That person made me stronger. Who cares if we win or lose? What if we all just breathed? and try to be human one after the other. Life is not a chess piece. In the end, you only take the memories with you. Even if the most beautiful memories are taken from you. You should never allow the reaction to events, whether they be from others or even companies, into your inner world. Choose your heart, or you’ll be at the heart machine soon.We are more than our bodies. The fact is that we are walking in our beautiful temple that we are supposed to protect. As long as something is in your temple, you can protect it, your heart, your life. Everything is okay, even if someone tries to take something or someone from you. On a deeper level, everything is connected. So what someone else is trying to take from you is because they don’t think they can get it themselves. They don’t understand the life cycle. And they don’t understand the truth about the power of every soul. Take something from your sister on this earth. And the universal laws will take care of the rest. # karma Watch what you do and what you focus your energy on.

Allowing ourselves and others to let go of anger in order to make room for something new. Because nothing new can come our way, we can hold on to anger, revenge, or old wounds. However, most people are afraid of the unknown. And that is entirely the answer to this present society and why some energies persist. Oof.. how I cried when I left my partner. I am afraid of being suddenly alone in the world again with health that is not optimal. However, I did. Let go of what is not mine. That man has a right to a woman who is healthy. and not recovering from a car accident. A woman who likes parties and all the hustle and bustle. This woman loves books, silence, peace and nature. Choices are never easy in life. Sometimes we just have to make a choice to breathe better. I made that choice when I got into the car and left my country. And I made that choice again when I left my ex. And also now that I leave behind many groups, business partners, etc., There is no room for a crowd trying to talk you into getting back into the energy of frustration and discussion. I choose love. For the simple moment, “I breathe, I live.”

I may feel my strength as a human rights defender over the years. I feel incredibly powerful when I want to stand up for a fellow citizen. This is because I know that I have all the knowledge at all times to win it *if it is a fair system in which we live. and thus comply with the law. At the same time, however, I also feel the heavy energy of anger, sadness, and disappointment. A low form of energy, as if we are talking about universal laws. Do I want to keep sending out those negative energies and destroying myself?Like attracts like. It is as if you are being drained, not only by your own experience of injustice in life but also by the injustices of others. Universal laws apply at all times. Contrary to the law, That can change continuously as long as the government wants it in the 3D world. Nobody wins or loses. I trust in a higher power than all of this. For me and the rest of my fellow human beings, all life did not just come out of nowhere on this planet. The light will show it. Answers are there to be received. Just turn on the light.


Only, that’s no different. Then I had better make sure I have at least a lot of chocolate. So sell as many Valentine’s cards as possible. even if I won’t get one myself for Valentine’s Day. Perhaps one day I’ll meet a group that thinks a little bit the same. We can continuously adapt. But if that adjustment causes inner world turmoil, you have to choose the heart. For a long time, I tried to adapt to my ex’s lifestyle, his eating habits, and his sleeping habits. In short, it destroyed me. A lot of noise isn’t something I can breathe anymore.

Home is listening to my heart. I notice that lately there aren’t many people who understand it. In Spain, my Spanish is not good enough to be understood. In the Netherlands, it has become a far cry from a bed show. In Spain, I will certainly always be lonely because I cannot express myself well in words. But it will undoubtedly be a cold Netherlands for me in the Netherlands.Who still knows me there? And the rules are now so different from Spain. And I’m afraid I’m starting to get politically active again. So no, let me stay far away. Without a heart, there is no life. There is no breath without a heart.No home without a heart.

If people reading this and think its been easy choices, No, is the answer. As said, It is constantly lonely. Years ago, when I left the Netherlands, I cried for hours in the car. I was completely upset. Only when an old neighbor called me, “Are you still driving? You’re already in Belgium? Yvonne, it’s night! You have to stop! “ It was an incredible spiritual discovery for me. There are many videos that I have never shared. Videos in which I have lectured on human rights in the car. In retrospect, I think it’s unimportant to share. It was not a strong human rights defender. But a woman of great sorrow was caught in a cobweb. It was an impossible task from the beginning to free the world from all suffering. The world begins in our inner world. We must save our own inner world. Our hearts

We are emotional beings. But where is the emotion? I frequently write my articles while crying or with a lump in my throat.The reason why I like to talk about another light-hearted topic like “email marketing” But at the same time, it is so meaningless in a deeper life. If I go to heaven, what’s my legacy? What do people think of me? email marketing? international law? The reason why I often write other books with my thoughts is love and magic.

Nowadays, life is already mainly on the internet. And with all the plans of Elon Musk and all the other investors, it will only digitize more and more in the future. I already noticed that the followers on LinkedIn no longer even respond or barely respond. Or just private. That woman doesn’t belong anywhere. Surely society isn’t a kindergarten, is it? Look, I’m not fond of someone in politics. However, it is in my LinkedIn as a connection. If that person would post a picture of the new house that they have bought, I put “like.” The person is not just his profession. People seem to look no further than one’s point of view or profession. Don’t like me as a cabaret actress? Which can Everyone has their own point of view. Do you like my book on Youtube? great! Thank you. We can all do much more. Someone likes my abstract work. The other just my writing. As long as we all continue to develop as individuals, I grow by writing and thinking about life. Self-reflection offers a lot of assistance in overcoming difficult bridges!

I wrote another big article on a topic that is being discussed in the Netherlands. I will probably share that after Valentine’s Day. I ask everyone who reads this to think about their health. How do you deal with stress in society? How do you keep your heart healthy? How many real friends do you really have? Are they people who gossip about others or even about you? Think about whether you want to participate in this. We can make choices every day. Gossiping is part of bullying behavior. The magazines, the tabloid press, it’s not a good example. If you want to prevent bullying in schools, Then choose the right example. Even with my real name, I’m a ghostwriter. There is no one who really knows me. No one has ever listened to my heart. Through writing, I do my best to share my love for life.

Thank you, Sincerely,

Love and Peace

Yvonne Padmos

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