fight off the virus
William Thorpe
“Time is Money: How VAExec Helps Busy Professionals Scale Faster.” “What Would You Do With 10 Extra Hours Per Week?” “Hiring Right the First Time: The Power of Dedicated VAs.”
Let’s face it, today more than ever, health is a topic of concern. We take precautions to avoid exposure to others and to mitigate our risk of contracting coronavirus by wearing masks, social distancing, staying home and following guidelines and protocols when out in public.
We do this because we don’t want to get ourselves or others sick.
What is health? To have good health is to be free of illness or injury, to be able to adequately cope with the demands of life, and to maintain a state of equilibrium with yourself and your environment.
When we are in a state of good health our quality of life increases dramatically. We are able to utilize our bodies without pain, experience natural energy, and enjoy feelings like joy and happiness.
One of the factors that influences our health the most is diet. The foods that you eat make a measurable impact on the condition of your health. By eating healthy, wholesome and nutritious foods you give your body the building blocks it needs to fortify healthy cells and smooth bodily functions.
Just as important are the things that we avoid eating as part of our diet, refined sugars being the deadliest. Additives, processed ingredients, unhealthy fats, and unnatural sugars are problems for our bodies to flush out the best it can. Too much of these harmful items result in extra weight, clogged arteries and decreased ability to regulate blood sugar.
Today I’d like you to draw the mental connection between your healthy eating and your good health. By sticking to a low-sugar, high-protein, high-fiber diet you will take measurable strides towards claiming better health. This means having a stronger immune system that’s ready and able to fight off viruses.
So please add good health to your list of reasons for getting into great shape and instilling healthy eating habits to last you a lifetime.
Speed your fitness results by becoming one of my clients. I’d love to get you to your goals using my results-driven method.
Simply call or email me today to set up your first workout. Cheeko